Chapter 8

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We all sat down as dad passed me a folder. I opened it and read the file.

"Dad how is this possible", I asked him.

"Your mom told me that you are doubting yourself about the position but as you can see the person holding it right now is really corrupt and our corporation name is going down because of him", Dad said.

"And he is trying to get control of many shareholders, he even replaced most of our old and loyal staff without our knowledge", Zack said.

"But we need a strong excuse before we can remove him completely and you were supposed to be in that position three years ago he was just a temporary placement", Dad said.

"And we have strong evidence against him and also against everyone he recruited", Zack said.

"Okay I get it that you guys have everything planned up but where I come in this", I asked.

"With the evidence we can clearly remove the head but we can't just fire half of the staff it will definitely create a chaos here and all the shareholders will create a problem", dad said.

"So we are going to introduce you to our company today and get Charles arrested for his crimes", Zack said.

"And you will be posted their I'll give you the list of people that are his partner you will remove them one at a time", Dad said.

"Lia you need to be very careful around them and be on guard all the time, Charles have recruited many new employees but he never removed many old one, some of them can be his person's too", Han said.

"Okay guys I understand, but we need a hacker to monitor everyone he was working with, I can only see them when I'm working but what they do after work we need to monitor it", I said to them and Han called his friends for this matter.

"Lia read this file and we are going to announce about your position within an hour be prepared", Dad said and kissed my forehead and left for his cabin.

" I'll call the HR department to fire Daisy and ask for a new secretary right away, be prepared for some backlash sis, we are all with you but you need to be mentally strong", Zack said and went back to his work.

I got up and moved on the couch in the office with Han next to me. We both sat and check all the important details he even called his assistant with his laptop to excess more information.


We reviewed most important points in last forty five minutes and dad came to remind us about the new position placement. He already called the police to arrest Charles and we all are going in the main hall for the announcement.

As we reached inside the hall, everyone was talking and guessing what this gathering is about, I heard some talking about promotion, and some about holiday, some about new project success. But no one knows what it is.

I see all the higher leaders of every department sitting in front of the stage, even all of them discussing about their thoughts, as we all walk up the stage people quite down a bit as they all see the leaders of the company all present here people who know me smile at me but who didn't they have a confused expression.

Dad walk up to the mic and start speaking, " Good morning everyone, I know you guys are confused about this gathering, we have arranged this at last moment. I'm here to make an announcement, we have appointment a new Architecture and design head please welcome Natalia Adams".

Everyone was clapping as I went and stand next to my father but of course some people have a doubt how did I replace someone who already hold a position.

"Mr. Adams, how can she take my position sir. I'm already head of that department how can a girl who have no idea about anything can be in my positio", Charles stood up and asked dad.

"Charles would you like to hear the end now or we can move to our office", Han said.

"Nathan I know you are our leaders son but this matter is out of your reach you can handle computer and digital world but this is not something you understand", Charles said.

"You know Mr. Charles, you are actually speaking correct but do you know anything about architecture and building but still you are standing here. Now do you want to speak here or inside the office", Zack said.

"Sir I know you are our leader but you can't accuse me like this", Charles said with confidence.

"okay we are discussing here than", Han said.

"Charles you have been working with us for a decade now but you are doing great work till five years ago", Dad said.

"But from last five years you are doing great only in deceiving everyone here", Zack said.

"Sir I really don't understand anything", Charles said.

"Are you acting right now or are you stupid", Han said, and I was trying to hold my laugh.

"From last five years all our construction are done under your supervision, am I right", Dad asked.

"Yes sir" Charles replied.

" Building getting collapsed, workers not getting wages, delay in deadline, higher price for cheap quality and non registered selling of houses, Can you guess who is doing all this from last five years", Zack said.

"We are providing you millions for every single project but where did the money actually went", Dad asked.

"Buying luxury houses out of country, buying yacht, expensive vacation and jewellery for wife and mistress hmm, really colourfull life you have Charles", Han said.

"You are removed from this company and for the things you have done we have our officers here to take you to your new home that is jail", dad said.

"All your account will be blocked and so did your families, enjoy your time before our lawyer comes and tell you exactly what you did", Han said, and two officers took Charles away from the premises.

Because of all the shady things he did no one came forward for his help either. Dad dismissed the gathering and sent everyone back to their work. I'm going to start from tomorrow so today I was also leaving with Han. We both are going to find out more about people who Charles have placed here . . Tomorrow is going to be a big day for all of us. And this time I'm going to protect my family from this guy.

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