Chapter 10

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It's been more than two whole months but I can't find Natallia at all. I have sent out private investigator after investigator but all them came back empty handed. All the details that I know are somewhat fake even her University records are somehow not accessible to anyone no one have any hard copies they are gone missing, non of her old class mates know anything about her other than what I already knew and she have not made any new friends since she got married to me.

I am devastated by how my family is reacting after she left, mom and Evaline are acting now, firstly they are accusing her of destroying my life, then they accuse her for stealing something that belongs to her. Only dad is the one who told me that I lost the most amazing thing that could have happened to me for this lifetime. 

The biggest mystery for me is Natallia's identity, she was a real person who never existed at all. She is like a question that I failed to understand when I had a chance now when I lost her it's like my soul left me I'm just a body that no body cares. I don't go home anymore because no one is waiting for me, I don't remember to eat most of the time. My business is losing big deal every day, our shares have crash down. I have no idea what to do now. I'm barely holding this company. Sometimes I wonder what if I was with Natallia as a proper husband maybe this day would be different from how things are going right now.

I remember clearly when it was only a week after Natallia left and I was busy trying to find her mom was coming to my office continuously but I never bother to meet her, even I have told my guard to not let her enter inside my home. But Evaline was a different story she came right after a week when Natallia left and came directly inside my office. I was in middle of an important meeting and she didn't even see who I'm with before speaking.

"Where is that thief you were married to" she said.

"Eva I'm in the middle of something don't bother me", I said as I signalled my assistant to send her out.

"She stole something and you are still trying to protect her", she said.

"Excuse me gentle men we will continue this meeting in fifteen minutes", I said and let everyone walk out my office. Then I sat with my hands fold and asked her, "And what did Natallia stole from you".

"She has stolen grandma's emerald and Ruby set ", she said.

"Evaline and when did you got to know about this stealing", I asked her.

"I knew it for a long time but didn't know that you would divorce her and don't take back anything she had", she said and continue," you did a right thing about divorcing her, you bought a theif inside our home".

"And who gave you right to criticize my wife", I asked her.

"Ex wife big brother and she was never a member of our family", she said.

"Do you want to know how Natallia got that necklace set Eva", I paused and raise one of my eyebrow to her then continue," Grandma gave her that necklace before she passed away and that was kept by me inside my safe it was never with Natallia, do you want to know why", I paused again as I see her confused expression," because she gave it to me so I can keep it with everything she owns".

"Still she stole many other things", she shouted.

"And what did she steal can you tell me", I asked her. I know my sister and mother very well and what they did when I was away.

"When you were away for a business trip",she said.

"Evaline Scott, before you speak you should always know that I'm your brother and I'm working on Scott's family business before you can even count properly do you and mom take me as a fool", I asked her.

"Brother it's not what I'm saying.....", she said.

"SHUT UP", I shouted at her and she kept her mouth shut, "every jewellery in that safe was for Natallia why did you opened it, huh do you think I don't know why you and mom used to come at my place when I was out for business trip, her jewellery are gone missing and Natallia never took them she would only wear jewellery I asked her to but then she never asked about the code I put on the safe so who do you think took all this".

I see sweat forming on her forehead and she was trying to answer the doubt I put on her but she have no idea I know everything she did to Natallia at my house.

"Brother are you accusing me of stealing", she said with fake tears in her eyes, just like the way she use to do when we were kids, when she needed something she cried, when she wants attention she cried, when she was guilty but need to get out she cried, her best defence technique.

"Evaline, you know I have camera everywhere in my house but not in our bedroom and you where always at my place when ever I was away, a diamond necklace, Ruby set, and many of Natallia's jewellery went missing. She never wore any of them unless I asked her to she never kept even a single piece, but I know from one of my Casino that the same Ruby set Natallia had was given their as someone lost alot of money their", I said to her.

"So Natallia was gambling then", she said.

"will you speak the truth now EVA", I asked her.

"Brother what are you talking about", she asked but now I can see fear in her eyes.

"Evaline don't act smart in front of me, I'm asking you last time if you want to tell me something", I asked.

"No brother", she said.

"Fine, but don't cry when you see what I have", I said and aske my assistant to bring the laptop and play the video. As the video started Eva was sitting calm and collected but as it played further, she started frowning.

"Stop this video", she said to my assistant but I stopped him from doing it, "brother tell him to stop this video please". Now she is back to crying, let me tell you this video is about Eva when she went away telling us she is going on a study tour but end up going to Vegas with her friends, where she not only gambled ten million but also gambled grandma's Ruby set which was giving to Natallia thankfully that club is owned by me and no one know about it other than dad.

"Now are you going to admit what you did or should I call the police, you not only stole jewellery from my home but you gambled it out and you framed my wife", I said to her, "you have become so evil and cruel, I never imagined my little sister to be like this".

"Brother this is not true it's a trap that bitch has set up", she said with tears running down her face.

"SHUT UP", I shouted, "You have no right to call names to anyone a girl from a reputed family gambling out our family heirlooms and jewellery you are not qualified to degrade anyone go home and confess everything to dad, mom and grandpa or I'll make sure you will never forget how cruel I can be".

I signalled my assistant to make her leave, she was protesting but left after some effort, then I called back all the men back. I know what my mom did with Natallia and even Evaline did to her I got to learn many disgusting things I hate how I ignored her but I need to find more before I can go and search for her personally.

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