Chapter 16

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The Wait is over, new chapter is here...
Sorry to keep everyone waiting, but there's a saying "patience is the key".

And here is another exciting chapter



I was traveling to Dubai right now after talking with Nathan I can't wait to meet my Piccolo, I have seen what that prick did to her but I was helpless, I couldn't help her. I thought I should leave her but I can't bring myself. When she went to college I waited for her but then grandpa got hospitalized and when I came back she was married and gone.

I went to meet Nathan and he told me what happened I was devastated, from the age of seven my parents told me that my marriage was already fixed with Natalia Adams, my father's best friend. I didn't know in the beginning but then I got to understand. We were best friends all of us special me, Natalia, Nathan and Leah, but then she went for a summer camp after that everything changed she stopped playing with us she spent time inside more and with girls. I used to play with her we were really close but just drifted apart. Her family never talked about the engagement our parents created and she never knew.

After some time I was sent to my mothers parents I grew up there my brother and sister were still here, mom wanted to have one of her children know italian culture and her family traditions she is the only child my grandparents had so it's normal for her to continue her legacy. But after I turned eighteen dad called me back my elder brother was not interested in the company so I was the one to handle it and my sister holds her own business and is connected to the company but not complete. Big brother went abroad to travel around and being a photographer he wanted to be he always comes home with his wife and kids, so does my sister but that's another story.

All our family knew Adams for very long, and my grandparents wanted to connect with them even more so they fixed a marriage. Well that changed after Natalia was married, but I remember when I went back to my grandmother and told her everything she told me one thing.

" Xavier my little boy don't be sad about this small thing and always remember if you love someone truly they will find their way back to you and the universe will be their guide, so stay positive and just follow your heart if she is meant for you she'll come back", she said.

I know this will happen and now she is here finally my darling is back and this time I'll make sure she comes home safe and sound. I was deep inside my thoughts I didn't know when I opened my phone and started looking at my piccolo. When a flight attendant announced to fasten my seatbelt. We were about to land.

After landing I called Zack and asked him where he was yesterday it's quite late   and I should have waited for tomorrow but I want to see her and I can't stop myself.

"Hey man", I said.

"Hey Zack where are you man", he asked.

"I'm in Dubai right now", I said.

"Really, you should have told me before that you are coming here", he said.

"It was a last minute call, the project needs some attention and I was just here to attend a meeting and you guys are the ones doing the work so I thought why not ask you if you were here", I said I know I was not telling the complete truth but I need to make something up to meet them.

"Okay, we are about to leave for dinner and I know you want to meet Natalia but she doesn't know anything and we don't even know if she remembers you or not", he said.

"Okay, but atleast we can meet and I can introduce her to myself if she doesn't remember me", I said I might sound desperate but Zack knows me very well and me being he know that I always love Natalia yes I love her and she didn't know even in school university I never got in any relationship and except of my mother and sister no one came near me.

"Look Xavier I know what you are asking but I.... okay I'll tell you what we are going to Flores that new restaurant you come there and call me so I'll just act surprised and invite you okay...... and that's how you will meet Natalia", he said. I smiled at this I know he means well and he will always support me.

"Thank you Zack I know you can help me out", I said.

"Listen Xavier you might be my friend but she is my sister don't hurt her or I'll make the hospital your permanent home", he said and cut the call and I was laughing at this, Zack is a nice kind hearted boy who will not hurt a fly but for his sister he might hurt anyone.

I reached the place that Zack said before they arrived and sat outside on a table I was waiting for them to reach here, after around fifteen minutes they got here that's when Zack messaged me and I saw Natalia walking right beside her dad, just beautiful as I remember. Her grace is something no one can match and that smile she has on her face is breathtaking. I didn't even notice her brothers until they all sat down. I decided to wait before going there and meeting them, suddenly Natalia stood up to go somewhere oh she went to the washroom. I decided to have little meet there and see if she remembers me or not.

'Ok Xavier don't act like you know her let her approach you, it's your first meeting don't mess it, you can do it' I was talking to myself and motivating  but I forgot that why I came here and the thing happened an accident with non other than Natalia. And I froze on my spot  she was looking even more beautiful I saw her looking at me too and not saying anything. That's when I decided to break the ice and start a conversation.

,"I'm really sorry I didn't see you there are you alright". She said before I can say anything.

"No I'm sorry I was not looking", I  said this is when she looked at me and she was checking me out and I just don't want to stop her but I had to.

"Are you alright miss", I  asked again. "Yes, I'm fine and again sorry", she said. "Oh you don't need to say sorry I'm the one who was not looking and that was such a beautiful mistake", I said and scolded myself from inside seriously Xavier how stupid you can be. "You listen Mr. Not Every girl falls for looks or brand, try to be polite not a Casanova", she said and left in anger. "Principessa, can you tell me your name", I asked her and she left I know now she doesn't remember me anymore but it will change soon.

I decided to have little meet there and see if she remembers me or not.


Xavier is here and he is up for a big challenge ahead, but he will definitely............

I'm not saying anything else continue this story and let's see what happened next.

And a little secret,"Ryan is coming soon too".

Wait for the next chapter , enjoy your day.

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