Chapter 12

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                                                 Natalia's outfit

Today I'm leaving for Dubai for my project their and Han is also coming with me. Dad called us on the day we discovered about the Martinez brothers and Charles and he will be stay back in Dubai before we arrive. Mom is busy with her show right now and both my brothers are acting fishy which is not really attractive. We are having breakfast before me and Han leave for airport but they are whispering and acting giddy like teen girls.

"Did you guy just kissed your crush", I asked as I cut a piece of my egg and eat it. After hearing this Han's mouth was hung open and Zack just did a coffee rain on the table.

"No, and why would you think something so childish", Zack asked.

"Zack, we can clearly expect this behaviour from Han but you are way smarter then him", I said with a small smile.

"Talia that is mean I'm your twin you can't say this to me", Han said.

"Brother giggling and whispering are way girly behaviour and it's not really attractive on full grown muscular men", I said as I take a sip of my coffee. They both look at me then at each other before they spoke.

"Well it's nothing we are getting close to catch Charles in a major act that will for sure make him loss everything", Zack said.

"Wait didn't you guys exposed him that they ", I asked.

"Talia that was just his legal properties he runs way under that which we need to find and we are almost there", Han said.

"hmm so you guys are excited about this or something else", I asked them as if they can distract m from this.

"That was it princess, and eat fast and leave for the airport you guy need to leave in fifteen minutes", Zack said and continue with the breakfast I also nodded and left the topic but Han is not that lucky we are in the same flight I'm going to ask him why he was so excited.


We left in our jet on time for Dubai and dad was already there.

"Han, you know that I'm your twin", I asked him.

"Yes, Talia I know it ", he said.

"And do you remember our childhood", I asked him and say him pause the laptop and smile.

"ofcourse how can I forget", Han said.

"Do you remember in third grade you destroyed Zacks favourite action figures and hide it without telling anyone",I asked him.

"Yes, but you somehow found them like a perfect detective", he said.

"Do you remember in sixth grade some guy beat you and you hide in our closet so mom can't find you", I asked.

"Yeah but somehow you bought the first aid kit for me", he said.

"Do you remember the date you had with Hailey in high school that I busted when no one else knew", I asked.

" Okay get to the point what are you saying exactly", he asked me, so he is smarter then I thought.

"What are you guys hidding from me", I asked him because there is no point in beating around the bushes.

"It was nothing Talia, I swear", he said.

"You know I'm your twin I know when you lie and hide things from me", I said.

"Okay Talia you win but I can't tell you anything right now, you need to wait and find out on your own", he said. After hearing this I slumbed a bit then picked my laptop and moved to the other seat on the plane.

I started working on the new project and setting up files I don't know how long I worked but suddenly Han sat I front of me with a paster in his hand and a sad face. I didn't smile well I really don't know exactly what happened.

"Talia, sorry don't be mad at me", he said, I think he took my silence as anger, but I was just working but me being his most wonderful sister I just simply acted angry maybe he will tell me.

"Please Talia sorry, talk to me see this is your favourite pastry", he said and I still stayed quite." Okay I'll tell you but not everything but one thing that you want to hear", he said and I took the pastry from his hand. "Okay so here we go, you can't tell this to Zack", he said and took a deep breath before continuing, " we both were worried about you so we called someone to company you on this trip atleast they can stay for half a month, but don't ask who its a surprise and i don't want to break it okay", he said.

"Fine, I'm good with this much you guys should have told me this before I was so hungry and waiting to eat this cake", I said as I took a bit of my delicious pastry.

"Wait, you were not angry", he asked.

"No, I was just working", I said and his mouth drop open.

"You cheated Talia", he said as if I took out he card like last time, well he don't know about it so no harm done.

"No, I didn't say anything or asked anything you told me yourself", I said. He looked at me with the most interesting look and then sighed in defeat.

"Eat this then we will have lunch okay finish your work and come back on the seat alright", he said and stood up," I used to miss our little fights when you got married and left it was really hard for me to accept the fact that my sister is gone". His eyes hold so many emotions I cut a piece of my cake and feed him.

" I'm back and I'm not leaving you anytime soon", I said and continued," go and finish your work too I'll just finish and come go".

He left with a smile and continued his work, being a twin is not easy we can't stay away for long it hurt us physically, emotionally and mentally I had the hardest time when I left Ryan never knew I had a family or even a twin brother but going to him and leaving him was one of my best decision it bought me more closer to my family.


Hello everyone, I hope you guys are doing great.
A new chapter with the same story continue.

I want to ask everyone something, what do you think would happen next in this story, and it's according to you guys and your imagination let's see who gives the best story idea and they will get a special chapter just dedicated to them.

Lots of love and blessings to everyone have a happy day.

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