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Hello to all my lovely amazing audiences. Thank you everyone who has stumbled upon my book and is reading it right now. And thanks to all the readers who have added this book in their library, and read  lists.

Right now I'm here to just say everyone thank you for being part of this book journey so far, and no I'm not stopping or anything but just I feel happy actually.

When I started this book I didn't know how everyone would react, will it be amazing or average or just not up to the mark but so far I feel quite overwhelmed actually because of the amount of people who have already read the book is something I have not really expected at all.

Something that we all are afraid of is rejection and that was my fear too from the last two years I have had this idea to write this book but I didn't have the courage.  But after some time and some amazing people in my life told me to just do whatever you want rejection is not something that we should worry about. In hindi there is a saying, "Jo hoga dekha jayega". Means 'whatever happens we will see at that moment'. And I think that's right.

So everyone I'm not going to bore you guys anymore but I would like to say that do follow me here on Wattpad, so you guys can have updated directly through notification. Writing a note between the chapters can break a great flow in stories and most readers really don't want this.

And being a bookworm I know sometimes it can break a great story which is on climax, so with a sweet request do follow me and I'll promise to everyone that I'll make sure that author notes only be written in starting or ending.

Do check out my other book and be free to comment on idea's about the book lots of love and thanks again.

See you guys in next chapter

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