Chapter 26

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Xavier POV

A day before meeting.

I was in the Adams office right now, with Zack, Nathan and uncle Ian were here. We were talking about how Scott's are again trying to sabotage our deal. They have been trying this for years but every time they would fail. This time will be no different but I'm really stressed about what they want for Natalia right now. Nathan and Zack are arguing with Ian to change his decision.

"Xavier tell dad this is the worst idea", Nathan asked me.

"Uncle he is right, I know think we should tell her about Scott's being their", I said.

"Boys I know, what you guys are saying is something I can agree with but right now, I want her to control her emotions and be a responsible person in work", uncle Ian replied.

"But dad, we can test her any other time why now, this is her first project we need her to handle is just easily", Zack said.

"And when that day do you think would come Zack, she has the perfect opportunity, there is a very high chance that idiot might be coming personally for that meeting", Uncle Ian said and we all were thinking didn't say anything so he continued,"Look boys, I know you feel protective towards our little princess but she need to face her biggest fear in this business the sooner the better, what if we don't let this happen now and she have a situation in near future what will we do then. This time she will have Nathan, Xavier and even Zack with her. But maybe not any other time.", he finished and let us digest what he said is actually right.

"But dad you know Natalia will not like this", Nathan said.

"Yes, but this is for her own good Nathan", uncle reply.

"What if she can't control herself, and her emotions", Zack asked the question that was definitely something I was thinking about.

"Xavier and Nathan you both are going to help her with it I highly doubt she will let anyone else near her other then you two, and I will be definitely on her ignore list", uncle said with a smile.

"Dad don't worry she'll be fine, you might have to face her anger but she loves you the most", Zack said.

"I am not stressed about her being angry with me but she needs to face him alone when I will not be next to her", uncle said.

"Dad don't worry Xavier and I will stay with her all the time", Nathan said.

"But uncle, I still think you should reconsider this idea, I think we should tell Natalia", I said I was still doubtful of this.

"Xavier I know you want best for Natalia but so do I okay and I know both my son's are also against this but it's necessary", uncle said, I didn't say anything just nodded my head.

After that we talked some more about work and then wrapped our meeting, I was still doubtful after the meeting I was thinking to tell Natalia everything before she gets the shock but I thought maybe I should talk with Nathan before anything because we are the ones who are going to be with Natalia during meeting. I went home and tried to get some sleep.


Today is the great meeting with that idiots company, I know I want to use way better word then this but I think calling him idiot is just fine because I don't want to say anything when he comes in front of me. But right now the biggest question is ,"HOW AM I GOING TO CONTROL MY ANGER AFTER SEEING HIM".

I know chances of him being present in next to impossible, but still there is a lit bit chance. And if he is affecting me without even knowing what he did to my piccola, I don't know how she will react after finding out that it was Scott's who tried to destroy her project.

I looked at the time and saw I was a bit late so I got ready as soon as I can and reached my office. I know Nathan got here already with my piccola so I went straight to meet with them in the conference room.

"Good morning Nathan, Natalia", I greeted them and looked at Natalia she is looking breathtaking as always I saw her checking me out when I entered before I could say anything my manager came and whispered that the Scott's representative are late, such unprofessional people.
"The other members who were suppose to be here are a bit late so we will start our meeting after half an hour everyone can go out to have something right now if they want to we have arranged for refreshments our manager will show you guys the way", I announced and most of the people left. Only me, Nathan and Natalia but also some staff was here, before I could speak anything Nathan said. "These people are so unprofessional, how can anyone be late for a meeting that was so important", he said. "Not everyone know the value of time they are losing", Natalia said. "Nope they are not exactly late but we were here early", I replied tried to change the topic and get straight to the point "What do you mean by this Xavier you called us early", Nathan asked. "Yes I did so we can talk before anyone arrive", I replied and signalled the staff to leave the room. "What do you want to talk we can talk at some other place after our meeting Xavier", Natalia asked I know she is annoyed. "Natalia, I'm sorry but I want to tell you this before the meeting starts so you can be prepared",  I told her "Xavier don't", Nathan said. "Why not Nathan, she needs to know", I told him to let me speak. "No Xavier, she will find out soon", Nathan said. "Listen man I know you care about her but this is something she should know", I said.

Suddenly Natalia shouted that stopped our argument.

Han, stop it and let Xavier speak", Natalia said, and he sat down quietly, and I smiled at this because I won, she asked again, "Xavier now can you start talking and fast". "Listen darling, today we are going to have meeting with ......", I  was about to speak when the door open and walked in Ryan bloody Scott. I see piccola's face and know that she is in shock.

Hello Mr. Stone nice to meet", Ryan said and shock his hand then with me and continued," we got stuck in traffic". He said as he glared at Melissa yes I know who that woman is. Then Ryan looked at Nathan and greeted him as well, " Good morning Mr. Adams". "I wish I could say the same but coming to a meeting that was organised a week before and confirmed with everyone still coming so late and wasting everyone's precious time", Nathan replied he didn't hold back his disliking for him "Who is this with you Mr. Scott", Nathan asked him he already knew who she was but still he asked. "Good morning, Mr. Adams myself Melissa and I'm Ryan's fi...", she said but before she could finish Ryan interrupted her. "Financial advisor", he said. " She is our new financial advisor".
Something is really not right with the glare he was giving her, but I don't even want to know now. All I care about was my principessa, she excused herself from the room and went outside. I looked at Nathan and he motioned me he will handle here I should go outside but being a leader I also have some responsiblity.

"Mr. Scott have some refreshments if you like, we will start meeting soon, now if you excuse me I have some matters to handle before meeting", I said and went straight to find Piccola.

(I'm going to skip this part for now or this chapter will become way to long)

We talked I tried to help her as much as I can and let me tell you, her performance during the meeting is damn professional and she looked really hot when she was throwing facts at Ryan's face and I wanted to laugh by just looking at their faces. So after she left it was just my team and Scott's in the room with awkward silence.

"So Mr. Scott as I see you are not really someone I can trust at all", I said.

"Sir, it was a mistake from our team but I am sure we can explain you everything", Ryan said and looked at Melissa. She was to say something but my finance manager said.

"Mr. Scott you know that in our field we all say time is money. The time we stopped our construction because of your baseless eligation", she said.

"Mr. Scott I will suggest that you conduct a full investigation before speaking with anyone", I said.

"Mr. Stone I assure you what we said and reported was completely correct", Melissa said.

"You know what Miss, I don't know about your source on this but we have checked everything before this meeting and we know nothing was wrong from there side", our management team manager said.

"Mr. Stone and everyone present here I deeply apologize for this meeting. It was a clear misinformation received by our team and I'll conduct a full investigation from my side", Ryan said to save his face.

"Mr. Scott, I don't think this apology is going to work with anyone, you didn't just create a false alarm but also accussed our partner by forging fake evidence", I said and stood up,"I expect a full public apology from you and your team for both of our company and after today there will be no more dealing in between our companies at all".

"Sir it was my fault please don't blame Mr. Scott", Melissa spoke.

"Miss, who was at fault is not my issue and always remember, our team might make mistakes but it's our responsibility to cross check and see if everything is right or not", I said and was about to walk when Ryan spoke.

"Mr. Stone, it was a mistake please don't destroy our future deals on this", he said.

"You know what Mr. Scott, I would have let you off but you did a dirty thing there forging fake document is not something I appreciate, and please be sure to reply our lawyers letter we want a full explanation and compensation for this false alarm", I said and left the conference hall went straight to my office and told my manager to put Scott's name in blacklist.

Today was a hectic day but I'm not concerned about myself but my piccolo I need to call Nathan and know what happened.


Hello everyone, how is everyone doing.
I'm back with Xavier's POV I know it was long but after such a long break I think everyone needs more to read.

Anyway as I said I will share where I went for the holiday

I went to see statue of unity, and let me tell you it was really beautiful and amazing the architecture structure and idea with innovative was just marvelous. If any of you guys are from India or planning to come here definitely make sure to visit her .

Next update will be soon. Enjoy your day and follow for latest updates.

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