Relationships are Frustrating

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Well, the title speaks for itself. But I'll go into detail a little more. I've never been good with relationships, and I'm not talking dating wise, I already tried that. It didn't last too long. I'm talking friendships or with my family. I am always the one telling someone to hang out with me. They almost never reached out to me. People say I'm like the guy in the group. Always sticking up for people and wanting to get into fights with people who damages someone that matters to me. Honestly, the masculine energy in me wants to dominate the femine part in me. I- there's no point for me to act like a woman when I don't even feel like one. I don't like makeup, I despise dresses, and I hate parties. See? Well, no, of course you don't, but maybe just maybe someone will get it, get me.

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