Butterflies in my Stomach

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How can I possibly have butterflies in my stomach? I'm not the person who loves... this person is over 1000 miles away, and yet he makes my heart skip a beat every day. It's just him. No one else. Someone I never met, but talk to like I've known him all my life. Every time I talk to him, he makes me smile. He's everything I'm not, positive, brave, charismatic. I could talk about him forever, but I choose not to because I don't like talking about him with others without his permission. I sound ridiculous. Permission. But I'm serious. He lives over 1000 miles away, and he doesn't go to my school. Of course I'm going to ask him if it's okay to talk about him when he isn't near me. I won't say his name unless he says it is okay. It's why I use his initials (IB) back to the main reason, why would someone give me butterflies? I've never met him, I've only ever seen photos, and I FaceTimed him a couple of times, but when I talk to him, I get lost in thought. I don't know what to say half the time, I want to sound smart to him because he's literally the smartest person I know. He essentially is a whole grade above me even though he is in 8th grade and is also 14. He takes the most advanced classes there are, well, at least to me. I take the easy classes supposedly, right now I'm in FACE, (Family and Consumer Education) which is like where you get to learn how to parent, which I will not be one, children are way too much for me to handle. Right now, we are in sewing unit, and I don't hate it, but I don't love it either. Our last unit will be cooking, the best part, and only point in taking that class. He takes medical skills, I think, or maybe that was one he changed, I can't remember. I'm pretty sure he does like an online program for two things because it wasn't available for his schedule in classes. That's all I can remember. Obviously, heh, he has the core classes, I'm pretty sure we all know those. Math, ELA, History/Social Studies/Geography/World History, so many terms, Science. Wow, this is getting pretty long. Sorry, I did tell you I could talk about him forever. I will spare you the time since I know we all have lives outside of reading, but it's just so addicting, talking about someone you talk to so much that you get stuck in a trance by their choice of words. He just has that effect on me. What can I say? Well, he deserves everything. Maybe I'm not the one to give that to him, but someone will.

I'm so sorry this is really long, heh my bad.

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