10. Daksh

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The family members and a few guests come upstairs to watch fireworks . Through my side eyes I watch sia who's standing next to her mom and aunt crystal while Hitler has his dauting eyes fixed at me. Go scare someone else away neta ji.

Kiaan uncle makes his men stand away because every Diwali he likes initiating the celebrations with his son who is more than excited . Reyansh likes everything that is not peaceful.

I get aside and dial a call seeing the sky lit up with different lights . My dad and uncle abhimanyu join while the ladies sit behind . Hitler, although, is busy with his phone . No family time ? And he calls himself perfect.

After second ring the call is taken and I hear a low chuckle from the other side "I knew solanki would call after I finally got to meet his little Miss Raichand"

I take a chair , my vision drifting to the sky "and she told you to fuck off like you deserve Josh , oh ,did I not mention ? where are your little brothers Joshua ?"

"What are you saying they are at--- wait, where did you take my brothers YOU FUCKER!!"

He screams on the top of his tiny lungs " you exactly ruined 3 minutes and ten seconds of someone you shouldn't have even crossed paths with if you love your lousy ass . So I will take my sweet three minutes ten seconds to kill your baby brothers"

"Solanki!!! You won't do it "

"Ah-- that's why you should stay home josh,or someone will beat your ass on roadside . " I chuckle picking up a sky rocket .

"Stop fucking around"

"Happy Diwali to you too Joshua Mitra" I hold the skyrocket to which king connects a flame from his lighter with a crown .

"No , no Daksh . I suppose you're with family , you won't do it . You can't"

It shoots through the sky making a tail of sparks behind and bursts into flames on the empty property near uncle kiaan's Mansion. Reyansh gives me a look seeing a lot of crackers Burst on the same place where my men left those fuckers half dead tied with a pile of crackers.

"How beautiful" I hear sia speak low.

"You can come and take the ashes tommorow morning, if you can differentiate ,you know"

"What the fuck is wrong with you motherfucker!! We just talked to her . I didn't even lay a finger on her . I wasn't even rude. They were my brothers " he yelps and growls .

"Do not talk to her next time"

"You know what, you are a crazy psychopath"

"I am , when it comes to her . I am a maniac so do not fucking cross paths with people who are connected to me in any way otherwise for you I'm lucifer in disguise" I hang up and take deep breaths seeing so many people from my family around.

"Daksh" my mom holds my bicep and I immideatly put on a smile . A facade .

Her beautiful brown eyes that my dad must have fallen for look at me with adoration . Her hair stop above her shoulder and are slightly curled inside at the ends. She's beautiful like an angel but but but , she's a devil . Like a real devil when she's angry or suspicious . As much as my dad is cool , she isn't. Infact , she's the father in my family. My dad however is just a friend who's busy enjoying his own life as I look over my shoulder seeing him laughing out loud with uncle abhimanyu.

"Did you eat" she cups my face and I shake my head even though I have eaten but I'll take the chance .

"Oh even siara didn't , she's going downstairs with heer . Go join them "

I nod and immideatly feel an arm around my shoulder .

King fucking Agnihotri.

"You said you want to talk" he smiles pretending in front of my mother .

I elbow him in the ribs as we walk " do not hurt arin" my mom calls and please, fucking please . This guy is -- this guy. Nobody can hurt him accept a certain lizard.

"Rabbit" I call behind her on the huge staircase. Heer and Sia turn around . The first one gives an eye roll while the second one turns uncomfortable.

Wait , what's wrong?
In my entire lifetime the only expressions I've seen her make after seeing me are relief and happiness .

Heer walks away angrily making it look like she's walking but actually she ran away . King steps down picking a glass of wine from the table on the end of the stairs and struts behind her , like the king.

Siara turns around and walks straight to the kitchen . Aunt ishani's help offers her food but she shakes her head . After drinking a glass of water , she heads out of the Mansion. She won't talk ?

Wait , there is no chance she could have seen how I---

"Don't follow me " she utters making my heart sink . I have never felt abandoned.

"I'm sorry , for whatever you're upset about "

"I'm not" she sits on a swing chair . I walk behind her . She has been holding the pendant in her hand every now and then .

I remain silent for a while untill she turns around to question "are things gonna change daksh ?" Her eyes are glassy as she pouts trying to hold herself together.

"Change as in sia ?" I hold her hand and take her towards a flowery bench in the garden . The garden is so wide and has all types of flowers that sia loves . It is all decorated with fairy lights , infact today the sky is also lit up . Inside of me however is apprehension. I know there will be an end to my mask game with sia but it should be my way .

"Change as in , I don't want anything between us to become different . I don't want you flirting with me . No , that's--- that sounds so bad. I don't want you looking at me like other girls want you to look at them ." She holds my hand looking at me with hope "you won't ever change , promise me"

My vision drifts to the terrace where Hitler stands with his rage filled eyes fixed at us .

"I can't control my feelings rabbit"

"Daksh" she cups my face "papa will hate you more if you --"

"What if I don't want this?"

"What do you want" she looks at me with apprehension mixed with dejection .

"I want you"

" you--" her grip on my hand loosens but I pull her towards my chest as if she's gonna go away forever "please don't take me wrong . I will never hurt you rabbit. Just just stay close okay . I'll make everything alright "

"I'm-- can we not talk"

My eyes meet Hitler's as I speak " let me say , I love you Siara . I love you , please love me"

She pulls away looking at me with wide eyes or pretending she didn't hear at all . Getting up, she instantly sprints inside as a wide , proud smirk comes on her father's face.


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