27. Daksh

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I give her new clothes and wait outside untill she changes . The door opens and she looks like the most adorable thing on earth dressed in my black hoodie . I cover her head and notice her red cheeks . Smiling ,I kiss her forhead before throwing an arm around her shoulder. We walk to my car which is parked inside the premises and we're soon inside it .

"Does that hurt ?" I question and she shakes her head touching her neck " I took painkillers "

"I mean that" I smirk point between her legs and her cheeks turn even redder as she looks away "Shut up Daksh"

"Stop being a brat if you want me to be gentle with you, or maybe you actually don't want me to be gentle ."

"Can you Shut up and focus on the road" she states because right now the only place she'll feel safe at is where her papa is at . I hate that man .

I grab the bag from the back seat and give it to her . She takes out the pineapple juice and drinks it instantly .

"So you usually kill people?" She asks as I start the car .

"When did I kill anyone"

Sia points at my bruised knuckles and shrugs "that's a hobby ?"

"Is that a hobby?" I clench my jaw " putting yourself in dangers like those , even if you had survived king and Reyansh's murderous hits, the next thing you'd be asked to do is kill someone without thinking "

Her face turns pale and what does she even expect from the biggest criminal organization ? Even though king and Rey take this for entertainment every six months, this shit is serious. The people who spy for us , make works done without the world knowing is some important shit .

"You c-can't be Daksh" her voice breaks but I cup her face "sia , we are mafias . It is what we do . It is what my father does , my uncle does . It scares you so stay out of it for God's sake"

"I trusted you so much"

Her body is cold and she's shaking like a kitten. I pull her on my lap and kiss her on the neck "now listen to me. There are two brutal truths about my life that I'm gonna tell you .One is I , Siara Raichand am a criminal . Either I can kill or get killed . You can't change that . Two , I'm immensely and pshychoticly in love with you. Your father is right and you should try listening to him . Try running but I'll catch you . Try hiding, I'll find you . Try any-fucking-shit but in the end you're mine . YOU Are Mine ."

She places her face in her palms squeezing her eyes "don't do this Daksh or I'll die" her muffled voices make my heart , which I've only kept alive for her , sink in a deep dark corner .

"If I don't, I'll die sia and criminals are selfish . Call me a self-centered Pshychopath but nobody can love you as much as this psychopath does Mi cielo"

She breaks down in tears while I pull her close and drive out of the building . She keeps sobbing with her head on my chest and soon she falls asleep .

I call Heer and tell her to inform Sia's dad she's with her . I don't want him to see her injured.

I take her home, my home which is at the center of the same forest I lost myself at . This place reminds me of the only hope of life I had at that time and it's her, this girl in my arms . I turn on the lights and lay her on the bed. This house is the only thing in my life that Reyansh doesn't know about . Nobody knows about it . In the night's darkness , I step out with my phone's flashlight on . My car is parked at a little distance but I'm headed towards the pond in front of it . My surroundings start to blur and the water becomes black . I lay down on the hard floor covered in leaves with my eyes fixed at the starry sky .

I was a looser that day but I won't be one this time . What's mine will always be mine because I can't live without her . I can't breathe without Sia .

My eyes land at the white coloured flowers at the other side of the pond so a wild idea comes to my mind . She loves flowers but this pond is the biggest nightmare of my life . I take out my phone and call Reyansh. He picks up on the third ring and says in a bored tone " not gonna save your ass from Raichand"

"I'm gonna dive in stay on the line "

There is silence for good ten seconds before his dark serious tone is heard "Don't" again silence " I'm on my way "

"Stop for fuck's sake, I'm not a kid and I'll not die " getting up I throw my t-shirt aside .

"Daksh !! " He snaps .

"If you don't hear me in ten, do whatever shit you can to get me out "

" and then I'm gonna fucking kill you ,you pshychopath . That Raichand's girl is gonna get you killed this way or the other "
Ignoring him I dive inside . The cold water squeezes air out of my lungs making it hard to breathe but that's not what I'm most concerned about . What makes me worried is the dark memory that comes crawling up my legs to the center of my brain . I keep my eyes fixed at the flowers untill they are in my hand . My phone is just at a little distance and I can go back .

I see something black inside the water. A snake? Or a wire !

I freeze on the spot and my body turns lifeless . There is no escape from this truth . The only thing I remember myself doing that day and today too is I scream "REYANSH!! "

"Yes , yes you suicidal fucker " he comes crushing the leaves under his feet and I'm gonna kill him for how reluctant he is . His hands in his pockets as he stops near the water .

He jumps in and places my arm around his shoulder . "Everything is fine and I'm alive. I'm here" he utters taking me out . I breathe heavily and laugh out loud "how romantic of you"

"I'll kick your ass in if you say that again . I don't do romance and that too " he pulls a face looking at me with judgemental eyes "yukk" . After that he takes out a wrapped candy from his jacket on the floor . He tosses the red colored ball inside his mouth.

I laugh out loud and he suddenly snaps "Wait a fucking minute " his eyes roam over the house . "You have a death wish don't you "

"It's my safe place " I say picking my t-shirt.

"This ---" he makes a circle with his finger in the air " is your safe fucking place"

That makes me laugh again "safe fucking place" and suddenly the door opens revealing an exhausted Sia .

"Safe" his gaze bounces between me and her "fucking place"

"Urgh " she grunts slamming the door behind her .


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