33. Daksh

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I clench and unclench my hand's grip around the wooden handle of the knife as my vision becomes red . My temples heat up and the back of my head throbs . Still , he doesn't move his foot from mine under the table . Across me , I glare at dad who gently shakes his head . I give a hard roll to my eyes and sigh throwing my head back .

The fucker leaves her arm and asks "you want meds ?".

No fucker , she's on her period and she needs rest so fucking leave her hand and fuck off before I hang your head outside uncle kiaan's Mansion.

She gives a slight shake to her head and strolls forward. Slow steps and she places her right hand on her waist up and down, she does that when her back hurts and It hurts bad when her due is late.

She goes upstairs and he who is getting on my nerves goes out with his phone . I get up and dad gives me a glare . Relax, I'll not kill him . I head to the kitchen where the ladies are busy taking food outside .

"Aunt ishani" I utter and she raises a brow stopping midway from arguing with Reyansh's dad.

"Stop calling me aunt"

"Dimwit" uncle kiaan mocks his wife and she elbows him .

"can I get a hot water bag" I swear, you need to think hundreds of times before talking to her . Not that her husband is daunting but she's super sensitive. Medically and emotionally. The same goes for Shivangi but with her it's like she'll start crying if you say -hey !- loudly .

"Oh it's here darling" she pulls out a drawer filled with small and medium asthetic water bags . She immideatly brings a kettle "hot water"

"Thanks" I say and heer jumps up "what happened to you? You got hurt?"

"No , I punched king's jaw but now I feel kinda bad"
"Oh come on don't, he deserves it anyways" she mumbles but cranes her neck to see if he's really hurt . I smile filling the water while uncle kiaan pats on my back opening the refrigerator near me . He takes out a box of dark chocolates and places it near me . Then he calls his wife "hey dimwit "

"Shut up kiaan shut up" she states putting plates in order but he grabs her nape making her nose touch the counter . She pushes him and they soon get into a physical fight where actually uncle kiaan gets beaten. It's strange that Reyansh has been raised in this funny family.

I place both the things, the chocolates and the water bag in my jacket and zip it up . When I reach upstairs and am about to knock at the guestroom door , I hear a sob. Slowly I open the door . Even though she's hurt and she's crying and I may have kept my rage aside but it doesn't change the fact that she went outside with a motherfucker , she let him touch her and she agreed to spend time around him . I look downstairs and my eyes land at shivangi . I call her upstairs and her gaze bounces between me and Reyansh. She then comes up . I give her both the things.

"Tell her to avoid painkillers and make her stop crying. " I state and seeing her shivering hands I add "please"

She nods but stops " why don't you --"

"Because I'm so pissed off that I'll kill her and myself" and I head downstairs.

"That's fine you know, it is the case with investments nowadays "siara's dad talks to uncle Abhimanyu.

"Even kiaan invested there" he replies before directing the fork to his mouth while at the same time Reyansh's dad comes at the table.

"Ohh I thought kiaan only invests in ruining lives" devansh states shifting is gaze to my mom . I swear I'll break his fucking jaw .

"He does but only in ruining motherfuckers who dare to dream of what they don't actually deserve , bhavin will get to know soon" my dad calmly adds while uncle kiaan chuckles.

"That " he clenches his jaw in response "only time will tell . How are you kai ? Happy with your choice ?"

I see uncle kiaan raise his eyes with rage but aunt ishani walks behind his chair and places her hands on his shoulders giving them a squeeze .
"Absolutely, I have a handsome son with my handsome husband who is definitely not abusive."

His gaze drifts to me "but you can deal with a murderer all too well ."

"Enough you guys" sia's mom snaps .

"No , not this time" my mom declares getting up " he called my husband a murderer so all the kids here should know about him as well "

Instantly sia and Shivangi stroll down the stairs when the heated argument suddenly escalates so much "an abusive man looks exactly like him . He's a cheater who sees women as things . My husband can be anything but not as lowly as you. Kiaan can be anything but not as cheap as you"

"Kai" sia's dad gets up while my rage now crosses all boundaries. I just stop myself because my mom is talking. I love it when women take stand for themselves . When they don't need no man to protect them. That's what my dad taught me .

"Yes shivay yes , I have a lot to say to you too and I'm sorry sia you'll have to hear it . I'm sorry Shru you'll have to listen. YOU wanted to ruin my life for this friendship of yours and you Shivay are ready to do the same with this girl who treats you like God. You are so blind for friendship that you don't even see and I can guarantee, my daksh can be anything but never a cheater . Never a man who would raise a hand on your daughter. He never did and he never will do it and I'm proud of him , proud of my husband , proud of kiaan . Proud of myself for choosing Avi . You better hide your face somewhere rather than talking to me"

I hug my mom as she hides her face in my chest . I swear I want to kill this man .

A wicked smirk comes on his disgusting face while Sia's dad shifts his gaze towards her . She wipes a tear and looks away .

"Kainat" uncle abhimanyu gets up "let bygones be bygones, I'm sure Shivay knows Bhavin is not --"

"You mean I was abusive?" The audacious motherfucker asks. " it was kiaan who unnecessarily poked his nose--- "

"Woah woah tame your nasty tongue old man. That's my dad you're talking about" reyansh picks a knife . "And I don't believe in talking like others . If a murderer, I'm proud of it."

Aunt ishani grabs his arm pulling him aside and king follows them outside, meanwhile trying to calm him.

"ENOUGH !!! " I state holding my mom still.

"Just what I had heard about Reyansh and You" the asshole's son tilts his head to the side ."Let's go uncle Shivay. Come on Sia"

"SIARA " I growl " SIARA is her name"

"But I will call her Sia . Stop me if you have the fucking balls to" he points a gun at me but uncle kiaan laughs " kid, go home"

He angrily pulls the trigger with his gun fixed at Reyansh's dad. I hear aunt ishani shriek out loud.


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