Ch.8: Read Me More

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It's been a few weeks since she saw them at Jaz and Thomas's introduction/get-together.

All three of them were supposed to play a hand in her mission or game of love.

And for a moment, the only one that seemed to capture her was playing mysterious fortune teller.

It got to the point that she wanted to know more. She was skeptical about what he said, but then again the halos. A reasonable explanation would be again she was seeing things, but the more she thought about it, the more she questioned her eyesight.

Maybe a trip to the eye doctor was the next best thing, I mean she did actually need glasses. It was just that they were at home, on her desk probably sealed shut since she barely ever used it.

But that wasn't the big issue, the issue was finding anything to help gather some sort of understanding about her right hand.

Nneka and Stella had stopped by a bookstore for the causal browsing, her local bookstore. Once inside, they went their separate ways. Stella went to the children's section, and Nneka to the spiritual section.

She didn't know what led her there, just that her legs walked aimlessly until they found that particular section. Once there, Nneka's fingers rolled off the spine of the books, looking for something she wasn't even aware she was looking for.

Palm reading.

When her fingers finally landed on a thick book, she took it. She pulled the book back, as another hand placed itself over hers.

She looked at the person's face for a second and decided to yield it. But when it finally registered who was standing beside her, she stepped closer pointing at him. "It's you."

 "You can have it," Javi said.

He handed it to her, but she pushed it back to him. "No, you seem to know your stuff. I wouldn't want to bother the master." She joked.

He reached up and picked up an identical copy behind it, and waved it up. "It's a bookstore, there's usually more than one copy."

She was dumbfounded, quickly glancing away as she took the book he originally offered. "Right." she chuckled. Her body heated up forgetting that basic fact.

"Enjoy your red book." He says referring to its colour, but she didn't grasp what he meant. She just nodded, while he scoffed, turning away.

"Wait," Nneka grabbed his arms.  He looked back, staring at her hand and then at her. "I mean, you know this stuff. Maybe you could help me?"

"Alright." She lets go. "You're looking for palm reading?" "Anything actually." she nervously laughs.

"What's anything?" Javi began. "What are you trying to figure out, your future, past, or your love life for example."

Her eyes opened up and brightly stared at his. "Anything?" she hesitated.

He chuckles. "Tell you what? How about you do a little more research and when you're ready you can call me."

She nodded quickly, "Yeah—"

"But first..." he searches through the rows searching for something. Then immediately handed it to her.

"Reincarnation?" Nneka, filled through the pages, a little confused.

"Light reading, unless..." he reached for it, planning to take it back, but she shoved it against her chest. Making a small noise, as it hit her chest.

"It's fine," she mustered. "I'll start here."

Javi grinned pulling out his phone. He opened his contacts list, just as Stella walked in.

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