Ch. 11: The thing is...

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She laughed, but there was truth to what he said.

In another life, she was in love, happy, at home, and protected.

"Wait..." she paused looking around, "Why isn't anyone else laughing?"

Natalie sighed closing her eyes, "Could be either they're stuck on the fact he has a file of information about all of you like some stalker. Or they might actually believe this too."

Natalie looked around. Everyone was silent in thought because she was right, about the first part. They were still stuck on those thick files resting on his desk.

Elliot began first. "Hold on," he said running his hand through his blond hair. "I don't quite understand. Besides what you just said, how did you almost die?"

"My case is different," Javi said. He leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms against his chest. "I didn't almost die, I died."

They raised their brows at him.

"I think I was medically dead for 3 minutes," he added.

"So what?" Kan said. His fingers dug into his pants while he bit the inside of his mouth. "Because you died, you can now see the future. Is that what you're trying to tell us? What you want us to believe?"

"I didn't see the future," Javi stated. "I saw something else."

"The future," Kan said annoyed.

Elijah eyed him.

Elliot raised a hand hesitating, "Maybe we should do this another time. When we're all calm and relaxed. And have processed whatever this exactly was. " He said looking at Kan.

Kan rolled his eyes, "What more is there? He's a psychic, end of discussion."

Elijah shook his head, "Nah, the blond has a point."

"Elliot." The blond said.

Elijah flashed a grin, "Elliot has a point. Cause I'll be lying if I said I wasn't remotely interested in how all of this is going to play out."

Kan stood up. His eyes brushed past everyone who still seemed concerned about the file behind Javi. "You guys believe him, this?" he questioned.

They nodded, lying. The only reason they agreed was to figure out why Javi was watching them and what else could be in those files. It's just that Kan couldn't grasp that collective thought. His brain seemed focused mainly on the idea that his love life was already predestined. As if unresolved family issues, were being brought up at that exact same moment.

Natalie stood up abruptly, dismissing Kan. "So it's agreed, in a week we'll talk."


Everyone was silent, even Kan who found himself falling back into his seat and staring at the bookshelves behind Javi. It's not like they would listen to him, so he decided to join their crazy plans. Besides, if he was being honest with himself, curiosity got the best of him.

Javi stood up, clapping his hand. "Good, I'll send the details."

Elliot quickly glanced at him and then at the floor, "great..." he dragged.

And just like that everyone was making their way out, except for Nneka who sat there thinking.

Natalie at the door called after her, but Nneka smiled shaking her head. "I'll meet you at home."

Natalie nodded. She walked to Javi who was putting the files back in the drawer.

"Hey, can I talk to you?" Nneka asked.

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