Ch.19: Pink

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There was a girl, and her name, like the strips of colour in her hair, was Pink.

She walked out from the DMV towards her motorcycle which was parked near the front door.

In her hand, documents that she put inside her small backpack.

Once at her bike, she grabbed a single twizzler and chewed on it as she picked up her helmet to get ready to ride.

She was about to put it on when she noticed something far away. See her eyesight was perfect. So noticing some type of liquid dripping extensively from the car heading in her direction was easy.

She stood there, helmet in hand confirming her suspicions.

When the car passed, it was clear. That liquid dripping from the car...was oil.

"Shit..." Pink quickly put her helmet on, but safely of course. She kicked the kickstand and drove towards them slowly.

The parking lot of the DMV, well any federal place had a speed limit, so rushing was never permitted, no matter the case.

At the gate, she saw the car blocked by the 2 in front of her, so she paid attention to the color, blue.

Pink thought about it. A part of her wanted to ignore the leaking car, but that part of her that screamed justice was too strong.

She had a birthday party to attend, so leaving and pretending nothing happened could be easy, especially since her good friend was coming over. But she couldn't, she had a duty to serve and protect. Even though that said duty was part-time.

It also wasn't helpful that her favourite type of movies were stuff like Final Destination. In her head, those 2 people she saw who had no idea of their terrible situation could cause the end of something. If they had stopped as a guy threw a still-lit cigarette bud on the crosswalk, something would obviously have happened. Since they were unaware of their situation, they could drive past it and light the way for maybe not them, but at least the cars behind them to KABOOM...blow up.

In other words, Pink had a great imagination.

The car signaled left, she put her blinkers on.

When it was her turn to pull out, it was free and easy. The car was stationed at a red light.

Pink pulled beside them, titled her bike and knocked on the window.

In the passenger seat, Natalie sat. She jumped at the knock and thought about rolling the window down, but the light turned green.

Pink cursed under her breath, getting back on and riding after them.

She yelled at them, gesturing at the window.

Yet they didn't seem to notice or probably car in her opinion.

Pink drove closer, this time catching their attention.

"Why are they driving so close?" Natalie asked.

Stella looked over. "Are they following us?"

Stella was annoyed. She wasn't the best driver, so she tried to have all her attention on the road when on. Yet here came someone trying to knock her concentration.

"I think it's a girl," Natalie said.

"How can you tell?" Stella asked.

Natalie squinted, looking at the Pink's long enough hair to see strips of pink. "I see pink highlights."

Natalie rolled down the windows.


Too late.

Natalie put her head out of the car, yelling softly."What!"

Pink had been screaming at them for a while, but the mask and the heavy wind made it hard to understand.

Pink flipped the face shield up. Her eyes simultaneous on them and the road. "LEAKING!"

"What!" Natalie yelled back.

"From the back! Leaking!"

She put her head back inside. Calmly, she told Stella."I think there's something wrong with the car."

"What?" Stella quickly glanced at the back of the car as if she could see the damage. She extended her hand and crossed her fingers signaling to the right.

Pink nodded, and on the next turn, she made a right.

She parked her bike, took off her helmet and waited for the car to slowly pull up behind her in the empty street.

Inside the two girls unbuckled their seat belts discussing the girl leaning against the bike.

"That's her?" Natalie asked.

"She's hot." Stella finished.

Natalie elbowed her as they got out and walked in front of their car.

Pink smiled at them. "Sorry about that. I saw your car was leaking from the DMV and the best thing to do is to prevent a problem from getting bigger."

"Absolutely, " Natalie agreed.

Natalie seemed normal, but her voice deepened. While her hands were fidgeting behind her. Don't misunderstand, Natalie was calm, very calm.

She was just taking in the beauty that was Pink.

Pink hair was indeed pink, just highlights from the back. The rest was black.

"Shall we?" She motioned to the back, and they followed.

Once there Stella examined the black spots that trail behind them. "She's right!" She began. "Oh my god."

"Yeah, worst possibility you could have blown some people behind you up."

"Huh?" Stella raised her brow. She glanced at Natalie who seemed like a doll. Eyes wide, and body swaying ready to be played with. "Oh right."

Natalie liked Pink's face and badass aura.

"What should we do?" Natalie finally said.

"I know a mechanic that's not too far from here. I can drop you off."

"If that's okay with you," Natalie said.

Pink half grinned. She had just said it was okay, but she dismissed it. Because just like Natalie, Pink found her cute too.

"Yeah, it's perfectly fine with me."


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