Ch. 21: Javi

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It rained heavy.

The night of their date, it rained.

Javi and Nneka walked to the front of the restaurant door. Around Nneka's shoulders was Javi's dark red trench coat, and above her was his large umbrella.

She thought it was large because of how it kept her dry, unaware that he had shifted the whole umbrella to cover her. While the side of his dark grey sweater soaked on the left side.

As long as she didn't see that, he was fine.

Javi with his free hand held her waist, leading them to the door. He let go, opened the door, and closed the umbrella.

Inside Nneka stood silently by the counter where a man in a black and white attire and a bow tie stood behind. He asked for their reservation, but as soon as he saw Javi he stopped.

Javi set his umbrella by the side of the door, and walked over to her.

"How did you get reservations for this?" She asked.

He smiled, "It wasn't hard."

"Ahhh...future seer." She scoffed.

That wasn't true.

The restaurant they stood inside was extremely popular. They food according to everyone that left was a place for seafood lover, it was nicknamed seafood heaven. Everything cooked or uncooked was perfected that there was even a rumor that the chef was being sought after.

Anyway, being called a future seer wasn't fitting for the situation. See the restaurant, the best place for seafood in Chicago, was owned by yours truly...Javi.

And as the owner, he made a special table for the two of them.

Nneka seemed nervous Javi thought. She kept playing with her fingertips.

He reached for her hand and instinctively she took his. He smiled grabbing it and setting it on his arm, patting her hand.

"Are you nervous?" he asked.

She shook her head, "the opposite. I'm excited. I love seafood, but..." she playfully sighed dramatically, "you already knew that."

He chuckled, "do I?"

Nneka shoved him lightly. He played along and they're eyes met longer then wanted.

Nneka stared deep into his eyes. She could see he was the nervous one although his face didn't show it. But there was something lacking. Something she couldn't quite tell from the small look into his eyes.

He looked deeply happy, but in a wishing the best for you kinda way. A hopeful happiness, that concealed deeply sad eyes.

Just as she was about to question his deceptive eyes, but they were called.

There table was ready.

Javi thanked the waiter. He took her hand and placed it on his back, leading their way.

"Thank you." they said.

The restaurant theme was dark romance. From the dark red walls, to the light up candlestick holders placed around the walls. They had to be fake, hazard.

The light brown tables screamed Gothic with a laced white cloth that was only on their table. They were getting the best treatment given.

And on each table, a different type of flower as the center. There table was a purple heliotrope, meaning devotion and eternal love.

At the table, Javi took her chair and pushed it out as she sat down. He walked over to his seat and put the menu to the side. The waiter quickly slides them off the table, and headed to the kitchen.

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