Chapter 15

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Author POV:

The vampire prince Jungkook, glided gracefully through the dimly lit corridors of his ancient castle. As he approached the grand hall, anticipation hung in the air, heightened by the flickering candlelight casting eerie shadows on the ornate walls adorned with centuries-old tapestries. He could hear the sound of music and laughter emanating from within.

The grand hall unfolded before him, a mesmerizing display of opulence and grandeur. Golden banners hung from the towering pillars, swaying gently in the night breeze that seeped through the open windows. Black velvet drapes framed the hall, accentuating the regal ambiance. Intricately carved chandeliers bathed the room in a warm, ethereal glow.

The room was filled with people, all dressed in their finest attire. The walls were adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of battles and conquests. The ceiling was high and vaulted.

Prince Jungkook's sharp gaze swept across the hall, taking in the meticulous preparations for his impending coronation. Elaborate thrones, upholstered in midnight black velvet and adorned with glistening gold trim, awaited the royals who would witness the ceremony. A carpet of deep ebony stretched across the marble floor, guiding the path to the elevated dais where the prince would soon ascend to his rightful place.

Servants scurried about, applying finishing touches to the golden candelabras that lined the hall, casting a shimmering radiance throughout. Floral arrangements of blood-red roses and black lilies graced the tables, exuding an intoxicating fragrance that lingered in the air.

As the vampire prince continued his Servants scurried about, applying finishing touches to the golden candelabras that lined the hall, casting a shimmering radiance throughout. Floral arrangements of blood-red roses and black lilies graced the tables, exuding an intoxicating fragrance that linger. As he continued his majestic approach, the anticipation in the grand hall increased. He could see the preparations for the coronation were in full swing. The tables were laden with food and drink, and the musicians were tuning their instruments.

He felt a sense of pride and satisfaction at what he saw. Everything was perfect, just as he had envisioned it. He knew that tonight would be a night to remember, not just for him, but for all those who were present.

Tonight, under the golden and black tapestry of decor, he would embrace his destiny, marking a new era for the nocturnal realm.


As evening descended, Jungkook sought solace in his favorite garden, a secluded haven bathed in the soft glow of the setting sun. The garden, a sanctuary of dark blooms and winding vines whispered with a serenity that belied the impending coronation.
he looked around at the beautiful flowers and trees that surrounded him. He had always found solace in nature, and it was the only place where he felt truly free.

Lost in contemplation amid the shadowed foliage, the prince felt a subtle shift in the air. The vampire commander emerged from the shadows, his demeanor respectful yet purposeful. In his hands, he cradled a velvet-lined box, adorned with the sigils of the royal lineage.

With a bow, the commander presented the prince with the precious dagger, a gleaming blade forged from ancient obsidian and etched with symbols of vampiric lore. The hilt, crafted from ebony and inlaid with gold, felt cool in the prince's grasp as he accepted the ceremonial weapon.

Beside the dagger lay a vial containing a mysterious mixture—the wine glass infused with the essence of the king's blood. The vampire commander explained its significance, detailing the pre-ritual completion required for the impending coronation. The wine glass, a delicate balance of ethereal energies and royal blood, symbolized the unbroken lineage and the passing of authority.

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