Chapter 20

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The rain poured relentlessly, drenching the cobblestone streets outside the cozy French café. A blond-haired boy, Jimin, short in stature but big in hope, clutching a bouquet of anemone flowers in his trembling hands. He had chosen them impulsively, drawn to their delicate petals and vibrant hues, yet unaware of their significance. stood beneath the awning, his eyes fixed on the downpour. Three hours had passed since he arrived, but still, he remained, his heart beating with anticipation.

With each passing minute, doubt crept into his mind like the tendrils of mist curling around him. Was he really coming? Was he just a fool to wait in this storm? But he pushed those thoughts away, clinging to the promise he made.
He checked his watch for the umpteenth time, the numbers blurred by the raindrops clinging to its surface. The minutes stretched into eternity, each one heavier than the last.

The raindrops fell like unspoken promises, each one a whisper of hope in the torrent of waiting that enveloped the boy's heart.


Meanwhile, In Taehyung's bedroom, the rain hammered against the windowpane with relentless force, casting shadows that danced across the walls like specters of uncertainty. He sat beside his bed, his hand tenderly caressing the small, wounded hand of the five-year-old boy lying before him.

The room was cloaked in a somber stillness, broken only by the occasional rumble of thunder that reverberated through the air like a warning. Outside, the world was shrouded in darkness, the torrential downpour veiling the streets in a watery curtain.

Yet within the confines of the bedroom, amidst the storm's fury, there was a quiet intimacy that transcended the chaos outside. The blond-haired boy leaned in close, his breath a whisper against the boy's ear as he murmured words of reassurance and comfort.

He watched as the boy's chest rose and fell with each shallow breath, his heart aching with the weight of uncertainty. But he refused to succumb to despair, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

As the rain continued to pound against the window, a sudden chime of the doorbell echoed through the blond-haired boy's bedroom. Startled, he glanced towards the door, his heart racing with a mix of anticipation and apprehension.

Hurriedly he made his way to the door, his senses heightened by the sense of urgency that hung heavy in the air. As he reached for the doorknob, a sense of relief washed over him as he saw the familiar figure standing on the other side.

It was his Jin hyung, his expression a mix of concern and determination. With a nod of acknowledgment, Taehyung opened the door, welcoming him into the warmth of the room.

As Jin approached the bedside, Taehyung spoke with a mixture of anxiety and hope. "Thank you for coming, I- I don't know what to do..."

Jin placed a reassuring hand on the boy's shoulder. "Don't worry Taehyung ah, we'll take care of him. Let me have a look."

With careful precision, Jin examined the young boy's wounds. His brow furrowed as he observed the dagger cut on the boy's left cheek and the stab wound perilously close to his heart.

"It's serious," Jin murmured, his voice tinged with concern. "But we'll do everything we can to help him."

Taehyung nodded, his gaze fixed on the boy lying in the bed. "He's been through so much..."

"He's strong," the older replied, his tone firm with conviction. "And he's got us on his side."

Together, they worked in silence, the doctor tending to the boy's injuries with skill and precision, while the blond-haired boy stood by, offering words of encouragement and support.

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