Chapter 18

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The morning unfolded like a reluctant secret, with the sun struggling to pierce through a tapestry of heavy clouds, casting the world in a muted palette.

The morning wore the guise of an impending storm, its atmosphere filled with the unspoken promise of rain. The sky, painted in muted grays, whispered of an approaching tempest, turning the dawn into an anticipatory prelude to the rhythmic dance of raindrops that would soon cascade from the clouds as if nature itself held its breath before the downpour.

The sky brooded above, draped in ominous gray clouds as if nature itself wore a heavy cloak of sorrow. The atmosphere clung to the air like unspoken secrets, and the clouds hung low, pregnant with the weight of impending storms. It was as if the heavens themselves harbored a melancholy, casting a shadow over the world below, foretelling a tale of looming tempests and unwelcome sorrows in the human realm.

Looks like someone is excited in this gloomy weather. In his lit bedroom, Jimin eagerly rummages through his closet, deliberating over a myriad of outfit options. He settled on a crisp, Tae's favorite colored, light-blue button-down shirt, paired with well-fitted grey jeans that accentuated his excitement. With a glance in the mirror, he ran a hand through his golden tousled hair, debating whether to style it or leave it effortlessly charming.

As anticipation bubbles within, he adds a touch of his favorite cologne, savoring the scent that promises a memorable impression. He meticulously chooses a wristwatch, checking the time and realizing he has a few extra minutes to spare. A subtle grin reveals his eagerness, amplifying the joyful butterflies in his stomach.

Jimin heads to the kitchen, where he assembles a concoction of anticipation and nerves. He opts for a casual yet thoughtful snack – a bowl of strawberries and chocolate with a cup of hot coffee, a sweet prelude to the impending ice cream rendezvous. The sound of his favorite upbeat playlist fills the room, adding a rhythm to his steps as he sways to the music while preparing.

He hastily scooped spoonfuls of chocolate strawberries into his mouth, the clinking of the spoon against the bowl echoing in his small kitchen. The clock on the wall ticked loudly, urging him to speed up. He glanced at his watch, a sense of urgency evident in his furrowed brows.

As he wolfed down the last bites,
Swiftly, he gulped down the last sip of coffee, leaving a faint trail of warmth as it slid down his throat.

Jimin mind raced with thoughts of the upcoming meeting. He couldn't shake the excitement of seeing his Taehyung, and the butterflies fluttering in his stomach. Today wasn't just any meeting, it was an opportunity to impress him with his subtle efforts.

Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, he reached for a vase filled with vibrant yellow roses – a symbol of hope and joy. As he moved swiftly, a sudden slip of his hand sent the vase tumbling to the ground. The crash echoed through the room, freezing Jimin in his tracks. The yellow roses scattered across the floor, petals disarrayed like fragments of a disrupted dream.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. A sense of foreboding gripped Jimin, his excitement now tinged with a hint of anxiety. The shattered vase and scattered roses hinted at a twist of fate as if the universe itself was trying to convey a subtle warning beneath the surface of his elation.

Despite the unexpected mishap, Jimin took a deep breath, determined to shake off the unease. With a glance at the clock, he realized he was running out of time. He hurriedly cleaned up the mess, his mind now a whirlwind of emotions – a mix of anticipation, nervousness, and a subtle undercurrent of uncertainty. Burying the emotions in the back of his mind.

With a final glance in the mirror, grabbing his jacket and keys. He rushed out the door, the aroma of breakfast lingering in the air.

Determination etched across his face, Jimin set out to reach the meeting place, fueled by both the desire to be punctual and the hope of stealing a few moments with Tae before the meeting commenced and ready to turn a simple ice cream date into a memory etched with excitement and the possibility of something more.

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