Chapter 21

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As Taehyung stirred from his slumber, a soft groan escaped his lips, his body protesting against the uncomfortable night spent on the chair. He rubbed his stiff muscles, feeling the effects of having slept in such an awkward position. He couldn't recall when he had drifted off to sleep; he had been too focused on watching over the wounded boy, his concern keeping him vigilant throughout the night.

Despite the stiffness in his limbs, Taehyung remained seated beside the bed, his gaze fixed on the child sleeping peacefully before him. He couldn't bring himself to leave the boy's side, not when he had promised to keep him safe.

With a weary sigh, Tae shifted in his chair, trying to find a slightly more comfortable position. The rain continued to fall outside, a constant murmur that seemed to lull him into a sense of calm despite his fatigue.

After some time, With a gentle sigh, Taehyung rose from the chair, his movements slow and deliberate so as not to disturb the sleeping child. He padded over to the window, drawn to the rhythmic sound of the rain. Pressing his hand against the cool glass, he watched as the droplets cascaded down, each one a tiny messenger from the sky above.

He slowly drifted through the haze of last night's events, it felt like recalling a dream good or bad, he didn't know what to call it, should he call it good as he was able to find the innocent life at the right time or a bad one as that he had found that innocent life in that severe state?

And then, like a sudden gust of reality, he remembers, one of the most important people in his life...

"JIMIN!, shit!", He cursed a little loudly but remembering that a patient is sleeping peacefully in the same room he lowered his voice.

The realization hits him like a bolt of lightning that sends a surge of panic coursing through him. His heart races as he remembers the plans he made with Jimin, the night before. That sends a surge of panic coursing through him.

Frantically, he grabs his phone from the nightstand, fingers trembling as he dials Jimin's number.

"Come on, Jimmie, please pick up," Taehyung said under his breath voice laced with worries.

The phone rings several times, each second feeling like an eternity. Tae's heart sinks with every unanswered ring, his anxiety mounting with each passing moment.

Finally, after what feels like an agonizing eternity, there's a click on the other end, and Jimin's sleepy but strained voice? filters through the line.

"Hello?," a small whisper came out of his mouth.

"Jimin, are you alright? Your voice sounds hoarse. Have you caught a cold?" Taehyung asked with concern evident in his tone.

" NO!," Jimin's hoarse voice came from the phone.

The sound of a throat being cleared fills the phone line, as a sniffle escapes the first friend's lungs. "I- I mean, I'm fine Tae,"
A light cough echoes afterward, making Taehyung frown.

Taehyung took a second to reply after hearing those, his eyebrow creasing together and the lines of concern appearing on his forehead realizing that Jimin was lying to him,

" No, the way you sound right now says you aren't fine Jimin, You have caught a cold. Now, tell me how? And did you take the medicine?" Taehyung demanded in his deep but soft voice.

"Yeah, I think I did. I was coming back home from the cafe and it was raining outside last night, I think some raindrops got the best of me, ha, ha,"

Jimin explained laughing awkwardly, throat hurting in the process because of dryness, he was trying his best to downplay his discomfort. Not telling the whole truth and the pain of the heartbreak he went through last night. Convincing himself with sweet lies that Tae must have had an important thing to complete he didn't leave him alone in the middle of a dark cold night Like his presence had not faded into the background like a whisper lost in the noise of the world.

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