Chapter 22

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As Taehyung patiently waited for the wounded boy to awaken, he busied himself by changing the bandages with utmost care, ensuring that the wounds were properly cleaned and dressed. With each gentle touch, he whispered words of reassurance, hoping to ease any discomfort the child might feel.

Once the bandages were securely in place, Taehyung proceeded to clean the boy's face and hands, removing any traces of dirt or grime with a soft cloth. He marveled at the child's innocence, his heart swelling with a mix of pride and protectiveness.

With the boy now clean and comfortable, Taehyung carefully dressed him in fresh clothes, taking extra care to avoid aggravating his injuries. As he worked, he couldn't help but smile at the thought of the boy's bright eyes and infectious laughter once he woke up.

With the child taken care of for the moment, Taehyung turned his attention to the household chores, determined to keep busy while he waited for the boy to awaken. He tidied up the room, washed the dishes, and started preparing a simple meal, all the while keeping a watchful eye on the sleeping child.

As he worked, Taehyung couldn't shake off the feeling of gratitude for having been able to save the boy's life. As he went about his tasks, he silently vowed to do whatever it took to ensure the child's safety and well-being, knowing that he had found a purpose worth fighting for.

He served the food on the four-seater dining table and waited for the boy to wake up from his slumber.

He waited and waited all day till the nightfall, but couldn't tell if the child was alive except for the faint breathing. As it turned midnight, he became tired and the sleepiness started floating in his eyes.

He stood up from the dining chair covered the food with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge. He walked tiredly disappointed towards the bed where the five-year-old baby was sleeping unknown to his Taehyung presence and his benevolent heart.

He sat on the chair in the same place but with different thoughts this time. His mind filled with concern but his heart filled with this new feeling called longingness.

As the days passed, Taehyung's concern for the sleeping child only grew. Despite his best efforts, there was still no sign of the boy waking up. Each morning, Taehyung woke before the sun, his heart heavy with worry as he tiptoed into the room to check on the child.

He watched over the boy during every meal, setting aside a portion of food just in case he woke up hungry. With each passing day, Taehyung's hope wavered, but he refused to give up on the child.

Night after night, Taehyung sat by the bedside, his eyes heavy with exhaustion but unwilling to close until he was certain the boy was safe. He would gently stroke the child's hair, whispering words of encouragement into the silent room, willing the boy to wake up and return to the land of the living.

But despite his tireless vigil, the child remained in a deep slumber, his breathing steady and calm. And yet, there was a peacefulness in the room that seemed to defy the uncertainty of the situation, a quiet reassurance that somehow, everything would be alright.

With each passing moment, Taehyung found himself drawn deeper into the mystery of the sleeping child, his determination to protect and care for him unwavering. And as he watched over the boy, he couldn't help but wonder what secrets lay hidden behind those closed eyelids, and what wonders awaited them once the child finally awoke.

The cold, gloomy weather outside seemed to mirror the heaviness in Taehyung's heart as he continued to watch over the sleeping child. It's been three days waiting for the sleeping beauty to wake up from his unending sleep. The remnants of the heavy downpour lingered in the air, casting a damp chill that seeped into the room despite Taehyung's efforts to keep it warm.

He stood up from the chair and padded towards his cupboard. He opened the door silently and took out a cozy, soft white blanket adorned with delicate pink cartoon bunnies, their fluffy tails and floppy ears adding a touch of whimsy.

Taehyung folded the blanket in half and draped it over the sleeping boy's shoulder to provide more warmth.

Taehyung sat on the chair again and stared at the boy fondly.
His tiny form was engulfed by the oversized white blanket adorned with pink cartoon bunnies. He breathed softly, his chest rising and falling in rhythm with the gentle cadence of sleep. The blanket enveloped him like a protective cocoon, its warmth and softness cradling him in a peaceful embrace.

He couldn't help but chuckle at the memory of how he bought that blanket. It was a chilly autumn afternoon when his friend, Jimin, dragged him into the quaint little boutique downtown. With wide-eyed enthusiasm, He pointed to the blanket, insisting it was "the cutest thing ever." Hey tried to protest, but Jimin's relentless persuasion won him over. He could still hear his laughter echoing in his mind as he teased him about becoming a "bunny blanket buddy." Though initially reluctant, Tae couldn't deny that every time he curled up in the blanket, he couldn't help but smile at the fond memory of Jimin's infectious enthusiasm.

Taehyung blinked and came out of the fond memory. He pushed the guilty feeling at the back of his mind that is resurfacing again remembering yesterday night's event.

He put his attention back on the sleeping boy, and a small smile crept on his lips watching the boy's mall frame which was almost drowning in the high blanket.

The boy looks so cute and peaceful but not alive. Each passing moment seemed to swirl around him like frozen snowflakes in the winter storm.

Taehyung started to hate this sight of him, his heart started aching to see those eyelashes draped like a thin curtain on the boy's eyes. A mixture of frustration and helplessness seems to crawl in his heart wanting nothing more than to make them disappear as it started to hurt physically.

Leaning in close, he whispered words of encouragement and longing, his heartfelt sentiments carried on a whisper of hope.
"Come on," he murmured, his voice tinged with a mix of affection and yearning. "Wake up, little one, please."

He brushed a gentle hand over his tousled hair, his heart heavy with longing for the unknown bond they shared by fate. "I promise I'll be here for you, always. We'll face everything together, Just wake up, okay?"

"Wake up sleeping prince, We've got adventures waiting for us tomorrow."His words, though barely audible, seemed to linger in the air, wrapping around like a gentle embrace. Though asleep, his subconscious seemed to stir at the sound, the child's fingers moved and his tiny fist unconsciously clenched the soft fabric of the blanket, as if instinctively seeking comfort and security.

The action didn't get noticed by the older. Hope seeped through his heart. With each passing hour, Taehyung found solace in the simple act of watching over the sleeping child, his presence a beacon of warmth and comfort in the midst of the cold and gloom. As he waited patiently for the boy to awaken, he found strength in the knowledge that even in the darkest of times, there was still light to be found.

Author: vote and comment guys pls 🥺💜🤧

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