Chapter 24

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As Taehyung extended his hand towards Jungkook, offering it as a gesture of friendship, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that washed over him. The scent of his blood, still fresh from the cut on his finger, hung heavy in the air, a potent reminder of Jungkook's vampiric nature which he was still not familiar with.

Before Taehyung could react, Jungkook moved with lightning speed, his small fingers gripping Taehyung's shirt with surprising strength. With a forceful tug, he pulled the older forward, causing him to bend down on his knees under the power of Jungkook's vampire abilities.

Startled, Taehyung gasped as Jungkook's grip tightened, his eyes widening in surprise and alarm. But before he could protest or pull away, Jungkook's gaze locked onto Taehyung's bleeding finger, his expression shifting from confusion to hunger in an instant.

With a sense of urgency, Jungkook brought Taehyung's long finger to his lips, his eyes closing in a moment of pure instinct. And then, without hesitation, he began to suckle at the wound, drawing Taehyung's blood into his mouth with a
voracious appetite.

For a moment, Taehyung was frozen in shock, his mind reeling from the sudden turn of events. But as he felt the warmth of Jungkook's lips against his skin, a sense of compassion and understanding washed over him.

Though he didn't fully comprehend the depth of Jungkook's thirst or the implications of his actions, Taehyung knew one thing for certain at that moment, he was offering Jungkook not just his blood, but also his trust and acceptance.

As Jungkook drank, Taehyung remained by his side, offering him the comfort and reassurance he so desperately needed, not knowing that their bond forged in blood and tempered by adversity - would only grow stronger with time.

As Jungkook drank his fill of the sweet, life-giving blood, a sense of calm washed over him. The hunger that had gnawed at his insides subsided, replaced by a comforting warmth that spread through his body. With each swallow, he felt a connection forming between himself and Taehyung, a bond forged in the shared experience of trust and acceptance.

As the last drop of blood was consumed, Jungkook's eyelids grew heavy, his body finally succumbing to the exhaustion that had plagued him for days. With a contented sigh, he nestled into Taehyung's strong arms, feeling safe and protected for the first time in what felt like an eternity.

Taehyung held Jungkook close, cradling him gently as he drifted off to sleep. The weight of the child in his arms was a comforting presence, grounding him in the reality of their shared journey. As Jungkook's breathing grew steady and deep, Taehyung felt a sense of peace settle over him, knowing that they had weathered yet another storm together.

In that moment, there were no barriers or differences between them just two souls bound together by the unbreakable bonds of trust and compassion. And as they lay entwined in the warmth of each other's embrace, Taehyung vowed to protect Jungkook with every ounce of his being.


As Taehyung finished cleaning the room, he couldn't shake the lingering sense of unease that had settled over him. Sitting on the edge of Jungkook's bed, he gazed down at the sleeping child, his mind swirling with thoughts and questions.

Was everything that had happened real, or just a figment of his imagination? Had he truly witnessed Jungkook's vampire powers at play, or was it all just a hallucination brought on by exhaustion and stress?

Lost in his thoughts, Taehyung reached out to gently brush a stray lock of raven hair from Jungkook's forehead. The child stirred slightly in his sleep, a soft sigh escaping his lips, and Taehyung couldn't help but marvel at the innocence and vulnerability that lay before him.

But beneath the surface, there was a mystery waiting to be unraveled - a mystery that held the key to Jungkook's true identity and the events that had brought them together.

He whispered under his breath " Who are you?",

With a heavy sigh, Taehyung leaned back against the headboard, his eyes never leaving Jungkook's sleeping form. He knew that he couldn't ignore the strange occurrences that had occurred in his presence, nor could he dismiss them as mere fantasies.

Deep down, Taehyung knew that there was more to Jungkook's story than met the eye - that their meeting was not a coincidence, but unknown to the beginning of a journey that would take them both to places they had never imagined as he sat in the quiet darkness of the room, Taehyung made a silent vow to uncover the truth - to unravel the mysteries that surrounded Jungkook and discover the secrets hidden within his enigmatic past. For he knew that only by facing the unknown head-on could he hope to find the answers he sought, and perhaps, in the process, find a sense of purpose and belonging that had eluded him for so long.

As the older sat quietly by the younger's bedside, a troubled expression crossed the sleeping boy's face. His breathing grew erratic, and his body tensed as if caught in the grip of some unseen force.

Concerned, Taehyung leaned closer, his hand hovering hesitantly over Jungkook's shoulder. "Little one," he whistled, hoping to break through the veil of sleep that held the child captive.

But Jungkook's nightmare seemed to hold him tightly in its grasp, transporting him back to a moment of darkness and despair. His eyes flickered beneath closed lids, and he began to thrash restlessly, his lips moving soundlessly as if trying to escape the horrors of his dreams.

With a pang of sympathy, Taehyung realized that Jungkook was reliving the trauma of his past - the moment when his enemy had stabbed him, leaving behind the scars that now marred his once flawless skin. It was a memory that haunted Jungkook, a wound that ran deeper than any physical injury.

Determined to offer comfort in whatever way he could, Taehyung reached out and gently shook Jungkook's shoulder, calling his name with increasing urgency. "Bub, wake up. You're safe now. It's just a dream."

Slowly, gradually, Jungkook's thrashing subsided, and his breathing grew calmer. With a soft whimper, he opened his eyes, blinking dazedly as he struggled to make sense of his surroundings.

As the fog of sleep lifted, Jungkook's gaze met Taehyung's, and for a fleeting moment, there was a glimmer of recognition in his eyes. With a deep breath, Jungkook wrapped his arms around himself, seeking solace in the warmth of his embrace.

Sensing Jungkook's need for space, Taehyung remained by his side, offering silent support and understanding. Though the nightmares of the past might linger, Taehyung vowed to stand by Jungkook's side, offering comfort and reassurance whenever he needed it most. And as they faced the trials and tribulations of the days ahead, he knew that together, they would find the strength to overcome any obstacle, no matter how daunting it may seem.

As Jungkook's nightmare faded into the recesses of his mind, replaced by the warmth and security of Taehyung's embrace, he felt a sense of peace wash over him. The strong, protective arms that enveloped him provided a sanctuary from the darkness that had plagued his dreams, and he nestled closer, seeking solace in the safety of the kind hearted boy presence.

Feeling Jungkook's body relax against his own, Taehyung tightened his embrace, offering silent reassurance and comfort that moment, there were no words needed - just the simple act of being there for one another, providing comfort and support in the face of uncertainty.

As they lay entwined in each other's arms, the outside world faded into the background, their breathing falling into a steady rhythm of shared calm. In the warmth of each other's embrace, they found a refuge from the storms that raged outside, a sanctuary where fear and doubt held no power.

And as sleep claimed them both, they drifted into dreams filled with visions of hope and possibility, their hearts intertwined in a bond that transcended words and boundaries. For in each other's arms, they had found a place of belonging, a haven of peace and comfort where they could rest, knowing that they were safe and loved.

Author: how was it ? Do tell me your thoughts. And don't forget to vote and comment guys 💜

Above pic credit goes to the rightful owner.

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