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Suhana's Pov

I wore my favorite white kurta to the hotel and yeah that mean I'm feeling myself today. I paired it with some Jhumka's which my sister got for me and I just love it.

Even Mr.Khanna complimented me. My manager didn't say anything mean to me as well so it's all win win situation for me.

Due to all this good mood I stopped at a icecream parlour to get a family pack icecream. I was asking Isha what flavour she's craving right now when my eyes landed on Rehaan, "Rehaan" I whispered without even realizing it. He was sitting in one of the booth with someone. "What? Is Rehaan there" Isha asked in excitement. I shook my head and then realised she can't see me, "no no I misunderstood" I lied because her excitement scared me. What if she asks me to let her talk to him. What would I do. "Oh" she answered and hang up the phone.

I put my phone in my bag and peeked to get a clear view at Rehaan. He's wearing a black shirt and it looks like he came directly from the office. He's with someone but I can't see who it is.
I ordered my icecream and waited near one of the booth. There's this weird feeling in my stomach that is just stuck there.

I finally got my order and was about to exit the parlour when I heard Rehaan's voice, "Suhana" I turned and came face to face with not only Rehaan but also the woman I saw with him in the picture when I googled him.

I greeted both of them, "Hi" She smiled at me, "I was just getting some icecream" He nodded, "me too" for some reasons I avoided eye contact
"I see" I awkwardly laugh, "I'll see you tomorrow" I uttered and rushed through the exit. I could hear Rehaan's voice but I didn't stopped.

I ran away from his voice as far as possible.

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