Chapter 48

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Quick A/N - I have rewritten this chapter as I want less drama and more loveeeee. 😏

Olivia's POV

I was laying in my bed, staring at the ceiling... I am so bored. It's teacher training day today so we have a long weekend which would be great if my friends weren't busy with their partners on a double date and my girlfriend wasn't a teacher. I took a deep breath and blew out to see how long I could keep going. After 20 seconds it felt like my lungs had collapsed so I quickly inhaled. Wow, I managed to waste 20 more seconds. I groaned out loud and pulled the blanket over my head, maybe I could try to nap. I closed my eyes and counted to 100 before giving up. How am I supposed to entertain myself all day? My phone dinged and I sat up quickly retrieving my phone from the end of my bed.

Laur: I miss you soooo much :( Can I see you tonight?

I immediately began smiling and danced a little in my bed hearing it creak slightly.

Olivia: Definitely!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I miss sssssssssssssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuu soooooo much!!!!!!!

I responded a little excited, hopefully she finds my excitement endearing. I stared at my phone waiting for her to read the message and respond. After she didn't respond immediately, I groaned and began sending more messages to get her attention.

Olivia: Oi, Laury please respond! I am so damn bored! My friends ditched me. You ditched me. I am alone.

Olivia: If you respond now, I will send you a picture ;)

Olivia: Jokes, I will not do that.

Olivia: LAUREN

Olivia: What are you even doing at this training day? You guys have these training days but your teaching methods never change so tf is the point of them?

Olivia: Do they provide you lunch?

Olivia: What have you got for lunch? I ate 9 pancakes this morning and feel like I'm gonna die and go to pancake hell. So I will be skipping lunch today

Olivia: Lauren...

Olivia: Guess what?

Olivia: ...

Olivia: I miss you :(

Olivia: Should I change my name to Sandra?

Olivia: Can you come and pick me up now?

Olivia: Lauren?


Olivia: Entertain me.

Laur: Hey lovey! I didn't ditch you; this training day is a job requirement I would much prefer to be with you. These days provide us the opportunity to learn new skills and brush up on our knowledge... so pretty pointless. Yes, they have provided lunch, we have tacos or burritos. I think I'm going to eat a burrito. NINE PANCAKES OLIVIA. You are about 20% pancake at this point. Please don't change your name to Sandra and I wish I could come and pick you up love, but I finish at 2 so I can come and grab you at 2:30?

Laur: Oh, and I miss you more.

I read over her message and smiled. It is currently 12 so I have two hours to get ready.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16 ⏰

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