Chapter 22

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Olivia's POV

It has been a month since me and Lauren shared that amazing kiss. Within a few days of the kiss she started to show signs of regret. I completely understood though. It was very inappropriate and quite risky. I remember how she told me that although the kiss was just as incredible for her as it was for me, we were better at leaving at just that. A shared kiss between two people that are forbidden to be together.

After talking it through, we both knew that it was more of a lustful kiss rather than a passionate one. We were, still are, attracted to each other, but we couldn't see it going anywhere. I did lie a little, I could see me and her together. I wasn't into just a physical relationship and Lauren didn't want that for us either.

The conversation took place on the last detention I had with her, which was Friday. We decided that the only relationship we would have would be as teacher and student, nothing more, nothing less. Although it would be hard for me. After that kiss, my feelings only grew. The more I got to know Lauren, the quicker I fell for her. However, I will not admit these thoughts to her. The agreement made sense and meant that Lauren was safe, and her job was secure.

I never did tell the girls what happened between me and Lauren in the classroom that day, they definitely pestered me, curious from my flustered appearance. I made up a ridiculous lie, one they didn't believe. They must have understood that I did not want to discuss what truly happened. It was safer that way, for me and for Lauren.

Today was Saturday, surprisingly my mother is allowing me to go out with my friends. She hasn't done that in a while, being grounded is surprisingly more difficult than I thought it would be. Dinah has convinced us that we need to go to the carnival today. Normally, I would argue and tell them I'm not interested but due to the lack of time I've been with them recently I agreed. The girls were happy, and I know this is what I need to take my mind off a particular green-eyed teacher

I made my way to the door saying a quick bye to my parents before my mum can go back on her word of allowing me out. I had to pick up the girls, Ally's house was my first stop.

"Hey Livvy." Ally cheered climbing into my car.

"Hello Ally. Are you excited to go to the carnival?" I responded. She squealed in response. Ally loves the carnival, she has gone every year since she was a kid, she is quite the opposite to me.

"I just can't believe you don't like it." She said with a small pout on her face. I just laughed and started to drive to Normani's house. She was talking about which rides we all need to go on first. I was really not looking forward to this. After arriving at Normani's and greeting her, I headed towards Dinah's. Mani and Ally were deep in conversation allowing my brain to succumb to the thoughts of Lauren. I wonder what she was doing today, maybe she is going to the carnival too with her friends.

"What has got you so smiley?" Mani said in a teasing manner, breaking me away from the images of Lauren.

"Nothing." I quickly replied.

"Oh, come on. You must be thinking about something. Or someone should I say." Ally said joining Normani. I just rolled my eyes.

"I'm not thinking of anything or anyone." I retaliated.

"We are just teasing you." Ally said in a calm manner. I nodded and pulled up to Dinah's house. She immediately ran out and climbed into the car.

"I can't wait for today. We are going to have so much fun." She said. I just giggled at her enthusiasm. I definitely need some of that.

"I know, we were just talking about what to go on first..." Ally started. The conversation between the three girls immediately took off and I just drove pushing any unwanted thoughts to the side. I don't need them teasing me again.

"I see it. Oh My God." Dinah yelled excitedly pushing me almost making me crash the car. I scolded her like an angry mother only for her to laugh at me.

"It's not funny Dinah. I could have crashed." I saw her roll her eyes in my rear-view mirror annoying me further.

"Liv, it's fine. We are all okay. Let's just forgive and have a good day." Mani said and whacked Dinah across the back of the head. I just smiled and agreed with her.

I pulled into the parking lot and the girls excitedly left the car. I just sighed and pushed all negative thoughts to the side. I was going to have fun, I told myself.

I quickly got out of my car, locking the door, and jogging after the girls. I smiled at them and they all grinned back at me. We paid for our tickets and had a small argument about which ride to go on first. Dinah won that argument and soon enough we were standing in line for her choice. After a few more rides we agreed to go and grab something to eat.

I eagerly walked towards the food stands, not entirely paying attention to where I was walking. I turned and looked behind me to see that the girls aren't walking quick enough for my liking.

"Hurry up! I'm hungry!" I said before turning around and knocking a person onto the floor.

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