Chapter 25

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Olivia's POV

I looked around and saw everyone laughing at me. As I turned a bit more, I saw Ashley enter the school, the red marks Dinah caused present on her face. Even though she had just been beaten she still had a faint smirk on her stupid face. The more I look at her, the less attracted to her I felt. The love I once felt for Ashley left and was replaced with heartbreak. Ashley had succeeded in breaking my heart twice.

The laughter and insults being hurled my way never died down. I felt like I was getting smaller and smaller. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Liv, it's okay. Calm down." Ally said wrapping her arms around my body. I quickly hugged her back begging for her to help. I could hear the yells of Dinah and Normani telling everyone to leave me alone. Nobody listened. Nobody cared. This was all a massive game to them, to Ashley.

"I only dated her out of pity." Ashley proclaimed loudly. My grip on Ally tightened not wanting to hear what else Ashley had to say about me or about our relationship. Did I really mean so little to her?

"Livvy, you are stronger than this." Ally whispered into my ear. I just shook my head. I'm not strong, I'm weak. I allow everyone around me to control my emotions. I allowed Ashley to break me. I allowed her to humiliate me.

"There is nothing wrong with being gay. Just own it." Ally continued whispering in my ear as she rubbed my back lightly. Own it, how? I couldn't. I am ashamed of who I am.

"I can't," I cried out.

"GO TO CLASS NOW!" Principal Smith bellowed making me jump. Ally giggled lightly and kissed my wet cheek gently. Her face cringed a little and she wiped my salty tears from her lips, her reaction made me smile a little. She smiled back and gently wiped the rest of my tears away with a clean tissue she had gotten out of her bag.

"You are strong." She said.

"Olivia, will you please come into my office." Principal Smith spoke with a soft voice. I just nodded and started walking towards him.

"We want to come with her." Mani said grabbing my left hand as Ally was already holding onto my right. The other girls nodded agreeing with Mani. Principal Smith nodded and made his way to his office as we followed closely behind.

As we entered the office, a very distressed Lauren rushed over to me and hugged me. It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening before I wrapped my arms around her. She ran her hand through my hair before kissing my temple gently.

"I know this is a stupid question Liv, but are you okay?" She asked, her voice cracked slightly as she spoke. I wanted to lie and tell her that I am fine, that this hasn't affected me at all. I wanted her to think that I am strong. I couldn't. I couldn't even muster up the courage to put on a brave face and tell everyone that I am okay. Instead I broke down in her arms.

"It will get better." She said.

"Miss. Jauregui's right Liv. This will get better." Dinah said. I jumped slightly hearing her voice. I completely forgot where we were and who we were with. I pulled away from Lauren and wiped my eyes using the sleeves of my top. Ally scolded me and started wiping my face with a tissue like a mother would with a child. I could see Lauren smiling at us.

"Shall we all take a seat and talk about what has happened." Principal Smith said. We all quickly took a seat. Lauren sat next to me and immediately took my hand in hers intertwining our fingers. I looked at our hands and smiled before our Principal spoke again capturing my attention.

"Do you know what happened?" He said, his eyes trained on mine.

"Not really. I only saw two pictures printed out of me." I said.

"Do you know who did this?" He questioned.

"Yes, that stupid bitch Ashley did this." Dinah said.

"Miss. Hansen, I won't tolerate that kind of language in my office." I bit my lip and tried to contain the laughter.

"Sorry Sir." Dinah apologised.

"Miss. Jauregui has explained the situation to me Oliva. I understand that this is a very sensitive topic for you, but it is also a very serious matter that won't be taken lightly. Normally I would contact parents and explain the situation to them but given your circumstances I think it is better we don't involve them, would you agree?" He said. I was immediately relieved by his words and nodded at his question.

"Thank you so much. I really appreciate you not telling my parents." I said.

We discussed the situation further with him and then he dismissed us and explained that he will be looking into this to find out who did this. Although I know full well who did this and I'm sure he did too.

The five of us left the office and I could now clearly see the extent of what Ashley has done. Pictures of myself with the cruel words written on covered the walls. They were everywhere. Lauren squeezed my hand when she noticed how my mood dropped once we left Principal Smith's office.

"I will be fine." I said reassuring her, although I knew she wasn't convinced. I wasn't ready to be out just yet. I haven't fully come to terms with my sexuality myself and to have Ashley decide this for me was heart-breaking. She had no right to do this. I just don't know what I did wrong. Ashley is the one that cheated on me, Ashley is the one who broke my heart not the other way round. I did nothing but treat Ashley with love and respect whilst the two of us were together. I admit that I haven't been as pleasant to her since the break up, but can anyone really blame me. She cheated, she hurt me. I am hurting all because of her and her actions. I think this is the most messed up thing she has done to me. This has hurt me more than anything else she has done to me.

I will never forgive her for this. She doesn't deserve my forgiveness.

"I will kick her pathetic ass for this and none of you will not stop me." Dinah said.

"Please do it." I said capturing their attention. "Kick her stupid fucking ass Dinah." Mani, Ally and even Lauren nodded agreeing with me.

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