Chapter 16

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Olivia's POV

It was finally the weekend so I could lay back and relax. Just kidding, I am being punished by my mother for getting detentions. I tried to explain to her that the students were lying to get me into trouble. She didn't believe a word I had said to her and told me the evidence was on the innocent girls face.

I was now grounded for two months and she said this punishment will stick and there was no way of getting out of this one. I did understand where she was coming from. From her point of view, I was getting out of control. I have changed and I don't like who I have changed into. Every time I try to go back to my polite and selfless personality another thing goes wrong and I behave in the opposite way. I am truly disappointed in myself. Detention. That was a word I never thought I would ever come out of the principal's mouth when it comes to me and my behaviour.

It just seems like nothing I am doing works or helps me. I feel like I could wake up and start again and I would get better but then something crops up and immediately changes my attitude.

I don't want to blame anyone for my behaviour. I should learn how to control myself. The girls are saying my mood swings are brought on by the recent heartbreak that Ashley had caused. My mum thinks I am just being a hormonal teenager and she has threatened that if I don't snap out of it soon, she will smack it out of me. My mother is charming... Miss. Jauregui thinks it is the deep internal battle of who I am and who I am portraying myself to be. She thinks that I am restricting the happiness I could have if I was just honest with myself and who I really am. I have already explained to her it isn't that simple.

They all have their own theories about why I am being the way I am, but I am not sure. I hate to blame Ashley for hurting me, but I was fine before I met her, before I fell in love with her and before she shattered my heart. I won't accuse her of being the sole reason, but I think she may have started the bad mood and I am just allowing it to consume me.

"Olivia! That grass won't cut itself!" I heard my mum call from the open window. I groaned and started to lawnmower. I walked up and down the grass still having an internal conflict. I could just tell my mum the truth about my sexuality and then we can work it through together, but after hearing what she said to my dad I wasn't so sure that we could work through it. I don't think my mother would ever forgive me and accept me for who I truly am.

Why was it so hot outside? After I finished cutting the grass and putting the mower away into the shed, I was sweating buckets and it's disgusting. I wiped my forehead with the bottom of my shirt and I sat down on the chair outside in the shade to try and cool myself down.

"What are you doing?'' You have plenty of jobs to finish and time is running out." My mother said. She handed me a glass of ice water and started telling me all the other things she has planned for me to do this weekend. I immediately gulped down the water and ate the ice.

"Why do I have to do all of this on my own? Can't I have a bit of help?" I said whining slightly at my mum. She glared at me.

"You know damn well why you are doing all of this on your own. I wasn't the one to beat up a kid and got myself a month's detention." She snapped and took the empty glass of me.

"I know and I'm sorry about that. It's just so hot out here mum."

"Quit your whining and get on with your jobs. The sooner you are done the sooner you can relax." She said walking back inside.

I just stood up and walked to the flower beds to start pulling out the weeds.

The weekend was finally over, and I felt like I was going back to school to relax. I am not a person to complete a lot of manual labour. In fact, the most manual labour I do is tidy my room and I don't even do that properly. I was completely aching after this weekend and felt like my arms were going to drop off. My mum made me do all the gardening, clear out the garage, sort out the basement, tidy up my room properly and clean all of the bathrooms. Which may not seem like a lot to you, but to me, that is a lot. Normally my parents will hire a gardener and a cleaner. I just hope that she won't be making me do stuff like this every weekend.

"Livvy, how was your weekend?" Ally said hugging me. I hugged her back and pulled a face which made her giggle.

"That bad?" She asked. I just nodded and complained to her. Although, the more I complain, the more I realise how spoilt I actually sound.

"Sorry for complaining to you Ally. I know I sound like a proper spoilt brat." I said. She started to laugh and agreed with me. Soon the other two girls joined, and I got to hear about their amazing weekends and all the fun they had together.

"Good morning Liv." I heard Ashley say walking towards me. She engulfed me in a hug and rubbed my back.

"I heard about what happened with Brayden. I know you didn't sleep with him" She said. I immediately smiled at her. She was the first one, other than my friends, to believe me.

"I appreciate that Ashley." I said. She giggled and kissed my cheek before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"Plus, I know you are gay as fuck." She whispered quietly before kissing my jaw gently. I blushed at her words and looked at the girls who all rolled their eyes at me.

"I will see you later!" Ashley said walking away, but not before she smacked my butt. I felt my face grow hotter and I quickly looked away from her direction.

"You need to stand up for yourself and not let her back in." Mani said.

"I know Mani. It's just not that easy." I said.

"We understand. It just looks like you aren't even trying." Mani responded. I just nodded and told them I will see them at lunch before walking away with Ally. Ally held my hand and comforted me slightly as we walked towards our class.

Luckily today went by relatively quickly and no additional drama happened. Obviously, people were still talking about Brayden and me, but I ignored them as best as I could. Today is the first day of detention, which is great fun. Not. I just want to go home and sleep.

After Miss. Jauregui's class I made my way to reception, I had no idea where I had to go for my detention. I spoke to the receptionist and she told me she will go to ask. I just nodded and took a seat in the waiting room. She emerged from the back and called me over, once I got there, she handed me a slip of paper that had the room number.

"Thank you." I said politely. She just smiled and I rushed off. I was already late for detention and that certainly wasn't a good start. I stood at the door and knocked. Principal smith opened the door with an unamused look on his face.

"Is there a reason why you are late?" He asked, as he raised his eyebrows waiting for my excuse.

"I wasn't sure where to go." I said truthfully and explained that I went to reception to ask. He just nodded thankfully believing me.

"Well, Miss. Jauregui, she is all yours." I looked slightly shocked at his words. Miss. Jauregui, what was she doing here? I thought she said she didn't know who was going to be the teacher supervising detention.

I walked into the room and saw her sitting there, she smiled when she saw me making me instantly smile back. Miss. Jauregui had one of the most beautiful smiles I had ever seen. I know I have probably mentioned this before, but I just can't help it. Her smile was so infectious.

I sat at one of the desks in the room and waited for Principal Smith to leave before I spoke to her. He finally left after telling her to go to him if I cause her any trouble. His words did make me wanna roll my eyes, but I quickly stopped myself. I really do not need to get into any more trouble.

"I know what you are going to say. I had no idea that I was going to be supervising your detention until about 5 minutes ago." She said. I just smiled at her and nodded.

"I haven't ever gotten detention before. Am I just meant to sit here?" I asked. She started to giggle at my words.

"I have no idea either. You can come help me mark some of my other students' work? Only if you don't mind." She said. I got up and walked towards her and she quickly pulled out a chair and put it besides her.

"Take a seat." She spoke softly. I sat down and started to feel slightly nervous, but I don't know why.

"Are you okay?" She asked genuinely concerned

"Yes, sorry. Lets mark the work." I said smiling at me. She grinned back and handed me a stack of work.

"I really appreciate the help."

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