Chapter 24

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Olivia's POV

After spending the evening with the girls, I had completely forgotten all about our encounter with Lauren and her date. Not that I am being bitter about the situation at all. Lauren has every right to go on dates. We were never together. I am being a stupidly pathetic teenager.

The weekend unfortunately was over way too quickly for my liking and now was Monday. My most favourite day of the week.

"Olivia!" I heard my mother call for me. I knew I had to get up and actually get ready for school. I begrudgingly got out of bed and shuffled to my closet to pick out my outfit for the day. I could hear my phone going off behind me. The girls were probably texting me as I was running late to pick them all up. I quickly got dressed before grabbing my phone and school bag. I rushed downstairs, but before I got to the door my mum grabbed me and made me look at her.

"I want no trouble this week" She spoke with a firm voice, her grip on my arm not loosening.

"I know, there won't be. I have to go; I'm going to be late." I answered before getting out of her grasp and making my way out of the door towards my car. I quickly drove to the girls' houses praying that I'm not caught speeding. The last thing I need is a speeding fine. The conversation between the girls took over the silence that once accompanied me, not that I was complaining. They kept my brain occupied and an occupied brain doesn't think of her.

When we pulled up to the school, the girl's noise died down. We all got out, they thanked me for the lift. Something they did every time I drove them anywhere. I smiled at them as a response and we made our way to the doors.

People's heads turned and looked at us before turning back to their friend groups and laughing.

"Does anyone know what is going on?" I asked after I saw the sixth person react like the rest. A chorus of no's came from Mani, Ally and Dinah. We all held the same confused expression on our faces. I saw Ashley standing in front of the doors, her arms were crossed, and a smirk played on her face. My mind rushed through so many thoughts. What has she done? As soon as she made eye contact with me, she looked amused, but why?

She uncrossed her arms and walked towards me. Her face showed confidence whereas I was the complete opposite.

"This is what you get Olivia. You disrespected me one too many times." She said. She raised her arm up and a sharp slap hit my face and I stumbled backwards not expecting the impact to be quite so severe. Dinah immediately jumped onto her throwing profanities into the air. Normani pulled her back as Ally tended to my already bright red cheek. I gently pushed Ally to the side and helped Mani with Dinah.

"DJ! Leave it, she isn't worth getting into trouble for." I said to her as we finally got her off Ashley. Dinah was fuming, her eyes left mine as she looked at my cheek. She carefully placed her hand on my cheek, her eyes showing worry. I gave her a small smile which she returned before glaring down at Ashley.

Due to the commotion we had already gathered quite a scene. I pushed my way through the crowd the girls followed closely behind. Honestly, I hadn't been at school long enough for this. I cannot get into trouble today; my mum will never allow me to leave the house. I pushed the doors open and I could her quite an aggressive voice yelling already. My eyes widened in shock as I saw Lauren red faced throwing her arms around shouting at the students as they passed by.

"WHO DID THIS?" She flung a bit of paper into a student's face. Principal Smith quickly ushered her into his office. The rage on her face faltered slightly as she looked at me. The anger was soon replaced with sorrow. I am so confused. What is happening? I could hear the laughter increase as she was out of sight. I bit my lip and made my way to the discarded bit of paper that Miss. Jauregui had dropped. A picture of me with some horrible homophobic slang was written all over my face. My heart dropped. Ashley. She has taken this too far this time. Dinah rushed over to me with another bit of paper, this time it was a picture of me and Ashley kissing. The same words scribbled effortlessly over the picture. I held back the tears that were threatening to spill over. I couldn't allow them to know how this has affected me. I was stronger than that. I could push through and pretend that this didn't hurt me. I will not give Ashley the satisfaction of how much I am hurting by this.

Heartbeat (Lauren Jauregui)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora