Chapter 38

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Olivia's POV


I quickly shot up in bed and saw DJ fall to the floor laughing. I groaned and led back down on my bed shoving my face into my pillow. 

"Not funny Dinah." I grumbled, although it came out muffled due to my face being covered by my pillow. 

"You're right. It's not funny. It was fucking hilarious. You should have seen your face!" Mani said, holding her stomach from laughing. Even Ally was giggling with the two girls. I groaned even louder and pulled my covers back up around me. 

"Let me sleep!" I huffed. Being woken up by Dinah was no fun at all. She was so unbelievably obnoxious in the mornings. Why are they even here?

"No. You promised you would tell us about your date!" Dinah whined and grabbed my arm and then tugged me off the bed, I landed on the floor with quite a thud. I stood up and glared at Dinah whilst I mumbled profanities under my breath and rubbed my now sore butt.

"Dinah Jane. You did not need to yank her like that." Ally said and whacked her with a pillow. Dinah immediately began apologising. The fact that Ally double named her definitely scared her, it scares all of us. I actually think I am more terrified of Ally when she is mad at my own parents. She may be small, but she is quite intimidating. 

"Liv, please tell us about your date. We have been waiting for hours!" Mani also whined like DJ. I rolled my eyes.

"Fine but let me shower and get ready." I said and motioned to my night clothes. Ally, Dinah, and Mani all groaned and began pushing me towards my closet. 

"You better hurry up!" Normani said. I chuckled and picked out some clothes before making my way to the bathroom to get ready for the day. Whilst I was showering, I could hear Dinah knocking on the door and saying my name. I just sighed and ignored her trying to block out her annoying self. This continued for the remainder of my shower. I quickly got dressed and opened the door. Dinah just smirked and tapped my head a few times before saying my name. 

"WHAT?" I cried out in frustration. She only laughed and pulled me towards my bedroom. I grumpily walked to my bed and sat down. Mani and Dinah sat down and waited for me to talk. Although Ally wasn't in my room. Just as I opened my mouth to ask the girls where she was, in walked Ally holding a plate and a cup of juice.

"Here you go grumpy pants. Hopefully pancakes and some juice will cheer you up." She said and handed me the plate. I blushed and thanked her. I know I'm not a morning person anyway but being woken up by Dinah yelling was definitely not how I want to be brought out of my peaceful dreams that's for certain. 

I quickly ate my pancakes and drank the juice before I thanked Ally again. She just giggled and told me that it wasn't a problem.

"Now, we need the details about your date with Lauren!" Mani said. The three girls were obviously growing impatient and I really didn't need them to be as grumpy as I was. 

"Fine! I will tell you." I said. The girls squealed and walked and sat up in their seats ready to hear all about it. 

I began to tell them all about the date with Lauren, making sure I give them as much detail as they desired. They interrupted a few times to ask questions or to squeal at the "adorable" moments Lauren and I shared. Once I had finished, they all looked content with what I had told them. 

"I'm so happy for you. It sounds quite literally the perfect date." Ally said. Mani and Dinah nodded before commenting something similar. 

"Did you get a goodnight kiss?" Mani said and wiggled her eyebrows. I began to blush and looked down at my rug. The girls squealed for what felt like the billionth time this morning. 

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