Chapter 20

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Olivia's POV

"Have fun in detention." DJ said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes and playfully pushed her away from me. She just wiggled her eyebrows. Ally smacked her arm and told her to behave.

"Seriously! How long do you have detention for?" Mani said. She was still very much annoyed that she had to take the bus to and from school. I gave her my response, only irritating her further. Ally scolded her as well, making me laugh. I seriously love these girls.

"Call me if you need anything." Ally said. She gave me a hug and stood up on her tiptoes to give me a small kiss on my cheek. Ally is such a sweetheart.

I said a quick goodbye to the girls and dropped my belongings off in my locker before making my way back to Miss. Jauregui for detention. I couldn't wait for detention; I really like spending time with her. If she were my age, I think Lauren and I would become best friends pretty quickly. We got to know each other pretty well yesterday and have quite a bit in common. Although that did surprise me slightly, looking at her I wouldn't have thought that we would have anything in common.

As I walked into her classroom, I smiled politely and asked her what we were doing today. She just kept on staring at me. I shut the classroom door and looked at her again waiting for her response. I was starting to feel uncomfortable under her gaze. I looked down at my outfit and made sure there was nothing obviously wrong with it. Which there wasn't.

"Lauren?" I said, trying to catch her attention, although she was staring, I think she must have zoned out. She still didn't respond and looked away from me. What is up with her today?

"Miss Jauregui?" I said.

"Sorry Liv. I didn't hear what you said." She responded. I just giggled at her.

"I asked what you would like me to do today?" Repeating my question to her.

"You can help me put these packs together for my morning class." She said. I nodded at her and placed my bag on the floor near the door. I obviously didn't need it immediately. "You can come and sit by me." She said.

I walked towards her and took the seat next to her and waited for her to hand me some work to do. She split the pack in half and handed me them. I thanked her and got to work stapling the packs together. Concentrating so I didn't mess up and staple to wrong worksheets together, I heard Lauren giggle.

I looked up at her into her stunning green eyes. I would love to have eyes like hers, they were beautiful and very nice to look into. After a minute, it became slightly awkward. She wasn't looking away and I wasn't sure she would stop staring even if I looked away. I started to feel uneasy about this situation. She hasn't been acting herself since I walked in. I don't understand why, she was fine in class. I really don't know what could have happened in the space of ten minutes to make her start acting all weird.

"Lauren, please can you stop staring at me." She looked down at my lips for a second before looking into my eyes once again. Is there something on my face? I swear to god if Dinah put something on my face, I will kill her. I thought hard about if she even touched my face which she didn't.

"Miss. Jauregui, please. You are making me very self-conscious." She just continued to stare. If she doesn't look away soon, I will walk out of here.

"Lauren." I said. She placed a hand on my cheek. I awkwardly sat there unsure as to what to do. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was she touching me?

She slowly started to lean in and kissed me. I was completely horrified. She is my teacher. My last teacher got fired for this exact reason. An inappropriate relationship with a student. What is she thinking? I collected my thoughts and pushed her away.

"What the fuck Lauren!" I yelled and stood up making my way to the door grabbing my bag.

"You are my teacher! I am telling Principal Smith what you did! You should be fired!"

I was furious with her. How dare she embarrass me like that. My mother was right about her, she can't be trusted. I quickly ran away from her. I could hear her calling out my name. She sounded very distressed, but so she should. She doesn't deserve this job. Kissing a student like that.

I got into my car and locked the door quickly and drove away. I knew it wasn't safe for me to drive in the state, I was angry and shaking uncontrollably. I couldn't go home in this state, I need to calm down. I drove to Ally's; I knew she would help me.

Although I feel bad showing up unannounced. I need a friend that won't make fun of me for freaking out. I parked up outside her house and made my way to her door. I took a few deep breaths and knocked a few times. Her mum answered the door and greeted me.

"Hello Patricia. Is Ally here?" I asked. She smiled at me and ushered me in.

"She is upstairs with the girls. Go ahead Olivia" She said. I smiled politely and made my way upstairs. I didn't want to see the other girls just yet. I need Ally and her helpful advice. I sighed and knocked on her door.

"Come in Mum." I heard Ally say. I opened the door and all the girls looked at me confused. I saw Dinah grab her phone and look even more confused.

"What the heck are you doing here?" DJ said. I opened my mouth to respond but wasn't sure what to say.

"Did you skip detention? I swear to god if this means you have more detentions, I will shoot you." Mani said. I don't want more detentions. I don't want to be in a room alone with Miss. Jauregui. I can't see her again.

"Hey, don't cry baby." Ally said rushing over to comfort me. I quickly wiped my face, not realising I had cried. Dinah and Normani always walked over and held me.

"What happened?" Dinah said.

"Miss. Jauregui. She kissed me." I said. I heard the girls gasp. Mani quickly shut Ally's bedroom door. They brought me to Ally's bed and sat me down.

"What do you mean? She just kissed you." DJ said. I nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Mani said.

"I'm going to tell the Principal." I stated. I heard Ally sigh.

"Maybe you should talk to her first Liv." Ally said.

"Why? She kissed me. That is against school policies. It is inappropriate." I argued.

"I agree, it is inappropriate. Maybe she was just having a bad day. It was probably a mistake." Ally said.

"Did you like it?" DJ said.

"No!" I said quickly. She just smirked at me.

"I can go with you to talk to her tomorrow, if you would like." Ally said. I nodded.

"Thank you Ally. Can I hang out here with you girls for a bit?" I asked. They all laughed at me.

"You don't have to ask silly." Ally said, poking my cheek making me smile.

I couldn't stop thinking about Lauren. I didn't want to get her fired, she is a good teacher. Maybe I overreacted slightly. She might have thought that is what I wanted. Did I give her mixed signals? This was probably all my fault; I must have led her on and made her believe that I liked her like that. I won't tell on her, I will apologise for overreacting and leading her on. She did not deserve this.

Heartbeat (Lauren Jauregui)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum