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Through each trial, asta's  resilience is tested to its limits, his spirit tempered by the fires of suffering, yet never extinguished. Each tortured moment serves as a testament to his unwavering determination to endure, to survive, and to defy the darkness that seeks to consume him.

DAY ???

The scientist loomed ominously over Asta, his face unnervingly close as he taunted, "Hey livestock, how's life treating you? I thought you'd give up on the first day."

His smile, laced with malevolence, made it clear he was reveling in the power he held over Asta. The condescension in his voice was palpable, each word designed to degrade and provoke.

"ll-you," Asta managed to rasp out, his voice hoarse and barely audible over the hum of the sterile room.

"What was that?" The scientist leaned in even closer, feigning concern. "I can't hear you. Don't tell me you want to give up now?"

With every ounce of strength left in him, Asta gathered saliva in his mouth and spat directly into the scientist's face. His actions were fueled by a visceral, seething rage that had built up from the relentless pain and humiliation.

"I'll kill you, you bitch!" Asta's voice cracked through the room, a raw, powerful declaration of his enduring spirit.

The madness and murderous intent flashing in Asta's eyes were unmistakable. They burned with the promise of retribution. It was a clear signal that, should he ever find a way to escape these chains, he would indeed fulfill his vow to kill the scientist. This moment of defiance, despite his helplessness, marked a chilling pledge etched in the depths of his tormented soul.

'I'll kill you, I'll kill you, I'll kill you,I'll kill you
I'll kill you,I'll kill you,I'll kill you,I'll kill you.'

I'm middle of raging, Asta spit on Scientist's face.

A ripple of revulsion swept across the scientist's face as he wiped the spit from his cheek, his expression contorting with disgust. "You little wretch, a mere piece of livestock dares to do this to me?" he sneered, his voice dripping with disdain.

Meanwhile, a fleeting smile flickered across Asta's face, a glint of defiance sparking in his eyes despite his pain. "You can't kill me, can you?" he challenged, his tone laced with a mix of mockery and resilience.

The scientist's face twisted into a scowl, his jaw clenching tightly as he struggled to contain his rising anger. "You're right, I can't kill you directly," he admitted through gritted teeth, "but I will have my revenge, just you wait, livestock." His words were a cold promise, a declaration of the prolonged cruelty he intended to unleash, ensuring Asta understood that his torment was far from over.

Asta's gaze followed the scientist as he seemingly melded into the wall, walking through it as if it were mere air, leaving Asta alone with the stark, cold reality of his confinement.

Left in the echoing silence of the stark room, Asta's shoulders drooped under the invisible weight of his situation. He slumped against the cold, unyielding surface behind him, the chill of the metal wall seeping through his clothes. Each breath was a visible puff in the artificially chilled air, and with each exhale, his spirit seemed to deflate further.

"Why is this happening to me?" he murmured to himself, the sound barely rising above a whisper. The question hung in the air, unanswered, as he sank slowly to the floor, pulling his knees close to his chest.

Is this karma? His mind churned with the haunting thoughts of past deeds, wondering if this was retribution for choices made in shadows long forgotten. "Am I paying for what I did in the past?" The words left his lips in a breathy exhale, filled with sorrow and introspection.

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