Side Story (2)

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In the quiet solitude of the Hero Academy's backyard, Layra Midgrez stood with her back against the cold stone wall, her long, fluffy pink hair framing her delicate face. Despite her cute appearance, fear etched lines of worry on her features as she found herself surrounded by three menacing figures.

This secluded spot, away from the prying eyes of teachers and fellow students, often became the stage for such cruel acts of bullying. Layra's heart pounded in her chest as she struggled to maintain her composure, her body trembling with a mixture of anxiety and dread.

One of the bullies, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent, stepped forward and leered at Layra. "You've got a pretty face for a commoner," he sneered, his words dripping with contempt. "How about we have a taste of you?" His words hung in the air, laden with the threat of violence, as Layra's fear threatened to overwhelm her.

"I'll tell the teachers, you'll regret this," Layra stammered, her voice trembling with fear as she faced the trio of bullies.

The bullies erupted into mocking laughter, their cruel amusement echoing in the secluded space. "Hahaha... No one in this Academy would take a commoner's side," one of them sneered, his words like daggers plunging into Layra's already fragile resolve.

As the bullies closed in, their menacing presence looming over Layra, she braced herself for the worst. But just as their hands reached out, ready to inflict harm, a sudden interruption shattered the tension.


A forceful kick landed squarely on the face of the bully in the middle, sending him flying several meters backward. Shock registered on the faces of the remaining bullies as they turned to see their assailant.

Standing before them was a figure bathed in golden light, his lustrous blonde hair framing a face that exuded an aura of undeniable charm. With piercing green eyes and a chiseled jawline, Aoto Takahashi's presence commanded attention and respect.

"Aoto-sama?" the bullies exclaimed in a mixture of shock and fear, their bravado evaporating in an instant.

Aoto's smile was fierce as he addressed them, his voice dripping with authority. "No one would take the side of a commoner? How could you forget the great, almighty Aoto?" His words rang out with a confidence that left no room for argument, as Layra looked on in awe and gratitude at her unexpected savior.

"Tch..." The bullies snorted in anger, their frustration palpable as they glared at Aoto. However, they knew they were no match for him, both physically and in terms of status.

With a grunt, they hoisted up their injured comrade, who had received Aoto's powerful kick, and slunk away without another word. As they departed, a sense of relief washed over Layra, a joyful smile gracing her features.

"Thank you so much, Aoto-sama," Layra exclaimed with genuine enthusiasm, her voice filled with gratitude. "I never knew you were such a kind-hearted person. I'm Layra Midgrez from Class B-3. It's nice to meet you."

Aoto chuckled warmly, his charming smile lighting up his face. "Hahaha... Don't worry, Layra. If they try to bully you again, just tell me," he assured her with unwavering confidence.

Upon hearing her name spoken so casually by Aoto, Layra's cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "Layra?" she stammered, her voice laced with nervousness. "You... you called me by my first name in our first meeting?"

Aoto's expression softened as he realized his mistake. "Oops... I called you by your first name because you sounded so familiar. You don't mind, right?" he asked, his charming smile never faltering as he scratched his head in embarrassment.

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