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Outside the forest, instructors lounged in their chairs, sipping tea and enjoying a moment of relaxation. Suddenly, a man burst onto the scene, his breath ragged from frantic exertion.

"Huff* Huff* Huff*"

"Sir, sir... We have an urgent emergency," he gasped out.

Instructor Zenith, sensing the gravity of the situation, sprang into action. "What's happened? Why are you in such a state?"

The man, still gripped by panic, replied, "The observation team we dispatched into the forest to monitor the students... They've reported the appearance of an A+ rank monster inside the forest."

Eyes widened in astonishment and alarm as the reality sunk in. "Shit! How did an A+ rank monster breach the forest? Our priority is to protect the students," Zenith declared urgently.

With a unanimous nod, the instructors abandoned their leisure and rushed into the forest, determined to confront the looming threat and ensure the safety of the students.


Irish claimed the ruin stone and departed, leaving Princess and her companions with a few healing potions to tend to their wounds.

As she walked for more than five minutes, a sudden realization struck her mind like a thunderbolt. "I beated them so badly. What if they tell Nova-san about this? Nova-san will hate me for sure. What do I do?... What do I do?"


A piercing scream echoed through the forest, ripping through the tranquility like a jagged knife.

Students ran frantically, pursued by a wolf-like monster of colossal size, its massive frame crushing trees in its path.

"An A-rank monster? They said there would only be up to B+ rank monsters. The students aren't pressing their buttons because they want to collect ruin stones. They should understand that their lives are more important than ruin stones."

A sudden idea flashed through her mind—a way to turn this situation to her advantage. "Yes... I'll save those students and become a hero in Nova-san's eyes. I may be exhausted, but I can defeat that A-rank monster."

Unsheathing her sword, Irish emerged from the bushes, charging straight toward the monster. "Rather than engaging in a prolonged battle, I'll use all of my mana at once and end this in one shot."

The monster, sensing her approach, lunged forward with its fangs bared. Irish jumped, channeling all her mana into her sword, causing it to glow with a dark blue aura, nearly 50cm thick and 140cm long.

As her feet touched the ground, she swung her sword with all her might.

"Saber slash!"

A dark blue slash wave erupted from her sword, slicing through the monster and everything in its path within a 100-meter radius, cleaving through the forest with devastating force.

Irish knelt on the forest floor, her breaths labored and heavy from the exhaustive exertion of channeling all her mana at once.

"Using all of your mana at once is way too exhausting. I don't think I can move for at least ten minutes," she thought, her body trembling with fatigue.

"The ruin stone I obtained after defeating those three... It's a mid-rank ruin stone. That should be sufficient for me. I'm going to press the button and get out of here," she decided, her mind already planning her next move.

"But before that, I'll consume the mana stone of this A-rank monster."

What's a Mana stone?, It's the heart of monsters, were highly sought after by adventurers for their versatility. They could be used for various purposes, from powering electrical devices to enhancing magical weapons. That's why thier demand never goes down.

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