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After nearly kicking the bucket, I found myself in the company of an old geezer who claimed to be the first demon king. Yeah, you heard that right, the first demon king! And just when I thought things couldn't get any weirder, in walks this kid who's apparently the second demon king, but looks like he could barely hit puberty. Talk about a plot twist!

So there I was, listening to this old timer spin his tale about how he's got the power to wipe out universes. I mean, come on, how am I supposed to take that seriously? I barely passed science class, so I have no clue how a pint-sized grandpa could be a universal destructor. But hey, in this fantasy world, I guess anything goes, right?

So, there I was, stuck in this bizarre 15-minute conversation with the demon kings. Turns out, they're more concerned about their own agendas than giving a hoot about each other. Avion, the supposed first demon king, decides he's gonna train me to take down the third demon king. Like, seriously? Is that how it works in demon land? Train your potential usurper, just for seeing them in erotic clothes?

And then there's the whole deal with these clothes. Avion insists I wear them until I turn his dinky little village into a bustling metropolis. But let's be real here, ruling a village at 17? I might as well be trying to juggle flaming swords while riding a unicycle on a tightrope. But Again, who needs experience when you've mastered simulator games, right? Once I complete my training, it'll be Time to turn his village into not just SimCity but a Whole Nation: Demon Edition!

Avion effortlessly retrieves a massive, red-hued sword from his spatial inventory, its intricate fantasy design gleaming under the light. With a casual flick of his wrist, he hands it over to Scarlett, explaining that it's the weapon she'll be training with for now, a mere imitation of the real deal, when the time come, he'll give the real sword.

Scarlett reaches out to take the sword, but as it shifts from Avion's grasp to hers, a resounding "Thumppppppppp!" echoes through the air. The sword crashes to the ground, too heavy for Scarlett to hold, tearing through her hands in the process. Despite her rapid regeneration, she's stunned. For the first time, she encounters a sword she can't lift, her supernatural strength rendered useless.

Determined, Scarlett tries again and again to lift the sword from the ground, but it remains immovable, a testament to its weight and the challenge that lies ahead in her training.

Scarlett's eyes widen in disbelief as Avion's casual response sinks in. "Ughh....Why is this so heavy, how much does it weigh?" she demands, her frustration evident in her tone.

With a nonchalant shrug, Avion replies, "Ohh... nothing much, Just 10% of this planet."

Scarlett's jaw practically hits the floor. "What the hell?" she exclaims, her mind racing to process the absurdity of the situation. "Wait, so you're telling me this sword weighs... Almost 30 earths?"

Avion's calm demeanor only adds to the absurdity, leaving Scarlett to grapple with the sheer ridiculousness of it all. Even Zephyrion was not shocked like he already knew this was gonna happen.

Avion explains that the sword has a virtual weight, meaning it's only a cheap copy of the real one, which is much heavier. The virtual sword's weight applies only to the person who lifts it. When someone wielding the sword attacks their opponent, the opponent will feel the same weight of impact, and the attack will have the corresponding force.

As Avion and Zephyrion exited the room, Avion signaled to his maid to lead Scarlett to the bathroom. The maid introduces her as Lilith, gracefully took Scarlett's hands and guided her to the adjacent bathroom.

The bathroom itself was neither spacious nor cramped, designed for the convenience of a single occupant. However, what immediately caught Scarlett's attention was the abnormality of the room—the air was heavy with the metallic scent of blood, and to her astonishment, the bathtub was brimming with fresh crimson blood instead of water.

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