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The King of Darwitz sat alone on his imposing throne in the vast hall, his anticipation palpable as the silence hung heavy in the air. With a creak, the doors swung open, and Clare, the Saintess, entered, her presence commanding attention.

"My Liege, the preparations are complete. We have gathered 12 brave warriors and an army of 200,000 soldiers," she announced, her voice unwavering despite the tension in the room.

The king, his voice laced with authority, responded, "Excellent. Now, we must devise a plan to lure her out of the kingdom."

Clare, her frustration evident, hesitated before offering a suggestion, "My Liege, why not summon the Holy Knights as well? Their presence would ensure the succubus's complete eradication."

Panic flickered in the king's eyes as he quickly dismissed the idea, "N-no, there is no need to involve the Holy Knights. We are more than capable of handling a succubus on our own."

Internally, the king cursed his decision, 'Shit!, If I call Holy nights they will surely sense that I'm a demon too, I'm posing as king using magic'.

I can't let My 'Demon kings'  plan ruin by taking a risk of inviting Holy Nights'.

"Then my Liege can I go with them when the time comes to kill that Succubus?," Clare conceded, masking her concern beneath a facade of obedience.

The king's response was swift and firm,
"Absolutely No!, You're my lifeline to keep the hero under control, I can't take the rist I can't take the risk of something happening to you."

Despite her disappointment, Clare accepted the king's decision with a nod.

With a final directive from the king, Clare departed from the hall, her departure marked by a sense of resignation as she prepared to carry out her duties.


As we strode back into the main hall, exuding an air of cool confidence, soldiers swiftly approached Duke Reginald and ushered him out of the party due to his disruptive behavior.

Leading the way, Aoto couldn't help but comment on the situation with a smirk. "You were right, Asta. This world is brimming with idiots. We're warriors; his movements were so sluggish, we could predict his every move."

Scarlett chuckled in agreement, her mind already drifting to the Duke's unfortunate fate. "Indeed. I heard that among his six wives, four are young and attractive. So I thought, Why not add them to our list of conquests?" he mused mischievously.

As the evening descended into darkness, the real festivities commenced in the main hall. Guests poured in, and the party's representative began greeting everyone, setting the stage for Prince Richard's toast.

As the party representative began his speech, emphasizing the importance of courtesy, that the important thing is to knew that being Rude is not a good thing, Since there are Royal people's here from other countries and other stuffs.

I think he was indicating the recent even, that I made Duke Reginald kicked out of Party.
A crowd quickly formed around Scarlett, eager to engage with the renowned figure.

"Ms. Nova, please hear what I have to say. I'm a diplomat, and I have a proposition—" the diplomat began, but his words were abruptly cut off as another individual pushed his way through.

"I'm Gáldwiz, the advisor of the king of Almeida. Are you single? We could go on a date," the newcomer interjected, his tone brimming with confidence.

In a matter of seconds, the atmosphere grew tense, resembling a brawl rather than a social gathering.

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