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Adessa Kamara

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Adessa Kamara

It's snowing outside this January morning. I wish school could be canceled today but the snow isn't as heavy. School is a nightmare to me because of the rampant bullying.

I have asked several times to be transferred to another school but mom and dad say that this is the best high school in London. It's now too late seeing as I will be completing in July this year.

To them, Riverview Academy is the best school for me only because it's students end up at the best universities. Everybody would love to take their kids to this school but they can't afford it. It's so expensive.

Dad works so hard to take me to this school. He works as a Global Consultant. He usually travels a lot because of his job. Mom crotchets and sells her pieces online.

"Adessa, wake up!" my brother said.

Soren, how many times have I told you to knock before you enter my room?

My younger brother Soren is a star pupil at school and always wants to be there on time. "You made us arrive late yesterday!" he said.

Soren, you know I hate school!

"You've told me this enough times Addie, can we move on from that," he said. I am not leaving your room until you get out of bed, we only have thirty six minutes before school starts.

Get out then, I need to go shower!

Soren didn't want to leave but he knew that I had to get dressed so he left.

Soren looked just like me but he didn't really care about the insults. All he cared for was being the best in class and becoming a successful engineer. This is what he always told everyone. Which type of engineer, we were uncertain because he hadn't decided.

I got out of bed sluggishly. Another week to receive the mean comments of my school mates. You would think for the years I had been in this school I would have developed thick skin.

These kids would come up with mean comments each and every year. It was painful what they told me.

"Addie, breakfast is ready!" Mom yelled.

I got into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and bathed. Watered my plants.

I didn't want to be late to school because there was a punishment for late comers. If you come late to school, you would remain behind and clean classrooms or toilets in the evening.

I have been punished enough times already! Not again this week.

I dressed up immediately and packed my things that I needed for the day. I rushed out of the room to the dining room.

Soren was eating his breakfast. Today we were eating plantains and tripe for breakfast. Mom and Dad's favorite breakfast. We usually had to strike a balance between African, American and European food at home.

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