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Regererai Moyo Dube

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Regererai Moyo Dube

Tendai and I stayed behind in class during break time.

"What did you want to tell me?" he asked.

Something bad happened to Eloise during the party at Dennis's home on Saturday. Tyler raped her. She believes he put a date rape drug inside the Tequila that he gave her.

Tenda smiled. "Addie, don't be so gullible, how could Tyler rape Eloise," he said. Did you see the way they were dancing during the party?

"Tyler texted me after the party that Eloise was so into him," he said. She is the one who asked him to go with her into one of the rooms.

Tyler had spun the story and made himself look innocent in the eyes of Tendai.

Eloise says that she could never sleep with someone on the first day.

"And you believe her, why?" he asked. You only became close to her a few weeks ago. She is lying, clearly. I saw the way she was dancing provocatively with Tyler. You also saw it too.

So, I should believe Tyler's narrative because you've known him for ages. Tendai, people change, they also grow up and become different,. Your friends are clearly not saints like you make them out to be!

"Is this about Eloise or my friends?" he asked.

I want you to be objective about this issue, Tendai. Could there be some truth to it? Eloise says she woke up naked and couldn't recall sleeping with him so she must have been drugged.

"What if she doesn't recall because of the alcohol she had drank?" he asked.

Did you do this to Quinn, doubt her when it came to your friends?

"Quinn was a liar! She slept with Tyler and accused him of raping her and yet they had both been drinking that night," Tendai said. She had sex with one of my friends and wanted to lie about it by making a false accusation.

So, this is not the first accusation against Tyler. Your friend is a creep, he forced me to dance with him the first time we hung out. He held me tightly and put his crotch on my butt.

"Why didn't you tell me about it that day if it's true?" he asked.

I saw how you talked about your friends highly. I decided to stay silent till now.

"My boy Tyler is a good guy, that night there was Caribbean night," he said. Some songs need you to dance like that. I see nothing wrong.

I thought telling you this would help but I have seen, it's a waste of time. Your friends are untouchable.

My relationship with Tendai became strained after that conversation. We avoided talking about the issue of Eloise and Tyler. He really didn't want to accept that his friend was a rapist.

What Roe had shared with me was true. Indeed, Tendai will always take their side.

We moved a step forward with prototyping our ideas. Tendai and I agreed to do his idea first then mine later. We experimented in the Cooking lab with sweet potato flour as a substitute for wheat. The cakes came out nice.

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