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Isla Walker

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Isla Walker

I found Tendai on the terrace sipping a Moet.

"This party needs some more people," Tendai said.

Let's invite some more people over.

I called Jensen but he told me that his dad's re-election date was this upcoming week so he was busy.

Mae called some people to come and so did Grayson, Nadia and Eloise herself.

By evening, many students had come to Eloise's party. Many were excited because it was their first time in Knightsbridge.

Eloise had invited her drama club friends, Mae had invited Andrew. I didn't know they had remained friends.

He couldn't come with Liz because she would be kicked out of the party. Andrew acted like I was invisible.

Grayson invited Elijah and Noah who I hated. They were mean and racist!

One of them even called me Midnight as I talked to a girl in year ten who was asking me about Sabrina Barre and my mom.

He knew Tendai was out of earshot.

I poured my drink on him.

"It was just a joke," he said.

He walked away to go clean his shirt. He was angry.

I had been answering the questions that the year ten asked me because I was drunk.

Grayson was dancing with Mae but kept on stealing glances to look at me.

"Come let's dance," Tendai said.

He led me away from the year ten. I was grateful.

I left him to go use the toilet.

Eloise's was empty so that's where I went to.

I found Mae waiting outside Eloise's bedroom when I got out of the room.

"Addie, Grayson told me about what happened last night," she said. I don't want my boyfriend to die because he is protecting you. There's a killer out for your blood, stay away from him.

Mae, he found me here in Eloise's house, I didn't go looking for him. She invited me, not him. He came here because of some issues at home with his mother. If you love him so much why didn't you offer him where to stay?

"You know very well that my parents can't accept that!" she said. Which is why he came here.

Mae, what happened to us?

I don't think your hatred is only because of Grayson.

"Addie, Andrew and I don't like you as you may have noticed," she said. I have seen that you and Jensen have reconciled. I don't miss either of you.

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