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Elaine Dube

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Elaine Dube

Mom badged into my room.

"Ade, wake up, something has happened to your dad's neighbor in Sierra Leone," she said. He has died.

I sat up.

I was still so tired from last night.

Mom, is that the witchdoctor?

"Yes, the very one," she said. He died from a fire in his house. Your dad's aunt told me that grandma heard screams coming from his house a few hours ago before the house was engulfed by flames that came out of nowhere. Here is the video of how the house looks now that she shared.

I played the video. The house had been burnt to the ground. Nothing remained of it.

"Do you now see that what Pastor Stuart said is true, your dad was under bondage," mom said. When we prayed, God sent a fire that burnt him in his house and destroyed all the witchcraft that was in his house. Imagine, his body was burnt to ashes, there's nothing left of him to be buried.

"All the evil he did to people now he finally gets paid in kind. Let God in heaven judge him because he is the one who sees all," she said.

I honestly didn't know whether to be happy or sad. Someone dying is not something to be happy about.

Mom left to break the news to Pastor Stuart.

I slept again until 11 a.m. I found Soren was in the living room eating breakfast. From the looks of it, he had also just woken up.

"Addie, did mom tell you the news?" he asked.

" Has mom told you about the witchdoctor in dad's village?" Soren asked.

Yes! Very early in the morning.

"I don't believe it," he said. What if dad had called someone back home to burn this man's house? This man must have screamed for help but because his neighbors hated him, no one came to his aide.

Soren, I believe that dad was bewitched. The Pastor told us to wait for our miracle and we got it.

"So, the death of a person is a miracle?" he asked.

He said, God would show us that dad was under a spell and he did.

"Will this take away the fact that dad dated two women at once and one ended up pouring acid on another then?" Soren asked.

No, Soren but at least now we know that dad didn't intend for it to happen that way but the devil did everything to make sure that he ends up in this situation.

"Addie, you can try to defend him like mom but I am not forgiving him," Soren said.

Dad came at lunch time. Mom had invited him back. She was happier now that he was innocent.

Soren refused to greet dad, he stayed in his room.

"Addie, thank you for forgiving me, I know Soren will come around someday," dad said.

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