Chapter - 6

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The sea was roaring and the sky was shattering as the titans— the almighty Giants started to march in the cardinal world shaking the whole earth. Earthquakes became as frequent as air breeze and the mountains collapsed in a matter of minutes. Even among the Giants there is one who stood out the most.

The Ashura, a three face Giant. With the power that was nothing less than that of God he dared to do everything that his heart desired.

He dared to rebel against the one who created the whole of existence. The Creator God Veldanava.

But God was merciful, a kind person who loved his creation more than anything. After seeing his creation has become strong enough to start a rebellion against him, his heart is filled with happiness rather than wrath or anger.

If anything he was amused.

Various kinds of giants such as giant ogres, cyclops, and multi-armed giants (hecatoncheires) were approaching them in packs. Veldanava laughed at the sight of the army as they emerged. The fight will be fierce or so the people around thought but it was nothing more than one sided thrashing.

The most astonishing thing was that the one who was trashing the Ashura was not the Creator God, but a silver-ish blue color haired petite girl(?) that was standing together with the Star Dragon Veldanava.

Hairs as beautiful as the sky and skin as soft as clouds. Clad in black, she looked divine and even though her face was hidden by a weird mask one can guess her beauty only by the mere presence that she was emitting.

The petite figure that the Giants will never forget in their whole lives A being—no, not a person, but a Demon Lord—a horrific existence. One who was beyond the scope of the Giants.

With just a little flicker, a large portion of the Giants went flying, crashing into the ground with a force that broke their bones. The regeneration skills of the giants are not bad, so they were able to recover almost instantly, but the pain didn't disappear. Even though most of them possess pain resistance and nullification, the damage to the soul is breaking their mind.

It was a mortifying but horrifying sight to see giants tossing and flying in the air like a ball.

A sight that they have never seen and will not see in the future. Not being able to see the embarrassing sight of his people, Ashura decided to make a move and confront the supposed demon.

Rimuru Tempest— the name that Ashura heard from the silver-ish hairs girl and just like the name the person was as fast and decisive as Tempest. A raging storm that has sweep the Giants one-sidedly. A crushing defeat, the type that nobody can deny.

The defeat was as crushing as the fact that the person that they were considering a girl is actually a boy.

"Take this!"

A heavy shout rang in the open field in the midst of the destructive battle. Pulling everyone attention towards the owner of the voice. The voice was deep and heavy but the fist that made it's way toward the seemingly petite figure was much heavier. Carrying the power to destroy the world in itself.


A check voice so playful and sweet that it sounded like sweet nectar.

The soft hand moved gently and the trajectory of the heavy punch was shifted with a gentle slide. Destroying the ground around to pieces, if it wasn't for the barrier the whole continent would have sunk inside the sea.

"Since I have taken one hit it's your turn now."

The silver-ish figure replied and the whole world turned silent. Even the sound of air and breathing has been disappeared, then what greeted the mad titan was nothing less than horrifying.

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