Chapter - 11

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Looking into the eyes of Velzard, Velgrynd, Lucia, Misery, and Rain, I can literally see myself being used as a doll to try all those weird outfits. I know, I have to do something about the situation, and so I made the first excuse that came to mind.

"Guy, I saw you using a sword in your battle. I'm also a sword user, let's have a spar."

I said to Guy with a panicked voice, and looking at his scornful face, he was about to say, No, right? No, I have to do something.

"I will also give you a handicap. You two vs. me. Pure sword moves and martial arts."

I added it quickly, and Guy seemed to be interested in it. I looked at Velzard, and by her expression, I could say she was about to say something.

So, without any second thought, I dragged Guy toward the practice area, where they were fighting earlier.

"Ah, Velzard, please tell Velgrynd about me. I will leave it to you."

I said to Velzard with a cute face, and she clutched her heart like an arrow had pierced through her heart. Well, this trick works. I guess. To be honest, I can't blame them for acting like this because I'm a complete handsome(?) (hot) person from head to toe, my legs literally gave up when I first saw my clone in human form. 

Ciel-San, please deploy a barrier strong enough to withstand our battle.

《Okay, I'm on it already... Done. 》

Thank you, Ciel-San. You are the best. 

《Fufu, thank you, master. 》

Now I have to finish the battle as slowly as possible and then slip away from here as fast as I can. Knowing the skills of Guy and Rudra, lengthening the battle won't be a problem. As for winning, hehe, Guy can forget about it, because when I was in the imaginary space, I got bored, so I was analyzing his and Rudra's moves to pass the time, and with the help of Ciel-San, I managed to learn all of his and Rudra's sword techniques. 

"Guy and Rudra, are you ready?"

I said as I watched Guy and Rudra whisper something to each other, and because they were using thought communication, I wasn't able to hear their conversation. Most likely, Guy was telling Rudra not to underestimate me and to use his full power from the beginning. Well, it saves me a lot of trouble. 

"Yeah, we are!"

Guy said as he summoned his blade, the one gifted by Veldanava, Tenma, and Rudra also summoned its counterpart, made by Veldanava, Deva. One Demonic and one Divine, the two swords are of the highest grade, even among mythical levels. So, I can't be outdone, right? It's time to show my sword. 

"Guy, if you have a demon sword and Rudra has a divine sword, then allow me to show you my sword, the dragonic sword."

I said to Guy as I summoned my sword from the imaginary space, The platinum blade was thin and enveloped in an unearthly air as it emitted a pitch-black light. On the blade was a rippling, golden crest, which gave it a mystical beauty.

Top-tier mythical weapon. All three of us have the same level of weaponry, so the one with the heaviest mastery will win the battle since we can't use magic or skills. 

We can only rely on the arts and our own experience ...and with the battle finally started—a sickening battle for me, who was used to ending the fight in less than an hour. 

The sparring began, and we didn't hesitate to go all out from the start, making the fight escalate quickly right from the beginning. Our swords cut through the air with lightning speed, each strike landing with a resounding ting.

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