Chapter - 14

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Since the start of the game between Guy and Rudra, many tragedies have occurred. The first tragedy occurred just after Veldanava and Lucia had their child—Milim. A terrorist attack took place in the Kingdom of Nasca, taking advantage of Rudra's expedition. It was the work of a warring enemy, and resulted in the deaths of both Lucia and Veldanava.

Unknown to all, the souls of Veldanava and Lucia, they disappeared into nothingness, swallowed by a black vortex.

"Hehe, Lucia and Veldanava, you two better thank me in the future." The slime muttered to himself as the two souls entered deep slumber.

At that moment, Rudra's dreams came crashing down.

"I... I just wanted Veldanava to feel reassured, to accept us..."

Rudra killed his heart, knowing that his lamentations could no longer be heard. All that was left were ideals that had lost their purpose.

"You still want to do this?"

"Yes. All I have left is this game with you. Your approval is the only thing I have left."

"All right then. I'll keep playing with you."

And so, the game continued... The slime also just watched the scene from the sidelines and let fate play its role. It's not his time to interfere. He can't at least wait until Hinata and Chloe fall into slumber.

The next tragedy befell Milim, Veldanava's daughter. Milim had grown up without knowing her own parents' faces. She didn't even know that she was related to Rudra. Milim's only family member and protector, her pet, was killed in some state plot. Milim lamented in grief and burst into a rage. It was decided that Guy would do everything in his power to appease Milim. If he hadn't stopped her, many nations would have perished.

"Hey! Kid, stop your rampage."

"I will kill you! Kill! Kill! Kill you!"

Again, unknown to all but Milim and those who were involved, a silverish-blue-colored person helped him from the shadows.

"You still want to do this? If I had acted sooner, Milim wouldn't have been sad, would she?"

"It's my fault. But even so, if we stop now, all the sacrifices we've made up until now will be for nothing. As Emperor, it is my responsibility to make sure to not give up now."

"I don't think so, but whatever. I'll stay with you until you're satisfied."

If he stopped here, Rudra would break. So Guy had no choice but to delay the conclusion. An unhappy future was guaranteed. That's what he believed, but it was not yet certain. He has his hope tied to a blue bob of slime.

And so, the game continued...

Repeated tragedies. The ugliness of the human world at hand. With each reincarnation, his holy power slowly depleted, and Rudra gradually lost his qualification as a hero. Even so, Rudra remained a 'Saint' because of his desire and dedication to his ideals. But even so, there eventually came a limit. At some point unknown to him, Rudra's mind corroded, and his original ideals were lost. As was the habit of those who had lost sight of their purpose, he was willing to use any means necessary to defeat Guy and Rimuru.

Ruthless and cruel. Defeating Guy and Rimuru was all that mattered, and in the end, more blood would be spilled in the future.

But the game continued, and one faithful day, the aura of a certain person disappeared from the frozen continent.

"Um, there is still some time left. Why did he suddenly leave?"

Velzard muttered to herself, a little unhappy. This little brother has kept himself locked inside his private space for some time now, and the moment he came out, he left even without saying anything.

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