Underground vs The Society

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Authors note:
thank you for choosing my book, if you have any suggestions please leave them in the comments! I hope you enjoy this story! My apologies if the first chapters are kinda bad, im trying my best!

You POV:
My name is y/n. I'm a 22 year old woman, and I work as a spy for the underground. My life is pretty simple, spy on the people of the society, work as different jobs, and gather as much information that I can. Today marks a year that I've been with the underground, and I have an important task that needs to be done.
"Y/n, because you have been working here longer than the other members of the underground, your task is to go to grand glacier and get as much information on the leader of the society, Montague." Jonesy said. "Yes sir! I'll try my best to bring back as much as I can." You said. Because the underground is well, underground, you have to go through a secret tunnel to get back to the outside world. There never was very many people that traveled anymore, most civilians followed the society rules so they wouldn't be messed with, or even worse, killed. Because you wanted to look somewhat normal, you drove a simple jeep, you didn't want to make it seem like you were rich by driving a supercar. Your underground location was the closest to Fencing Fields, where society member, Nisha, lived. Out of everyone, Nisha and Peter Griffin are your least concerns. You have had encounters with Nisha before, but she never suspected anything of you, she just figured that you were another civilian looking for a place to stay. The only one you haven't gathered information about was Montague, supposedly he is the hardest to get information from, maybe because he is the leader and probably the strongest out of everyone. You've heard that he used to be a thief before creating the society, so he might catch on to your tactics sooner than the others. You decided that because pleasant piazza was just around the corner, you would visit the children and families that mostly looked up to you for resources. Pleasant piazza is not as pleasant as it sounds, before the society, it was a beautiful place where people would come to see the shops run by families, and it was a great place to visit with friends and have fun, now, the society has destroyed that. Weeks after the society was formed, they sent their guards to make everyone pay for items, some that people didn't even own, it was basically a tax for nothing. All of the families went broke, many were taken and transported to other towns, a lot of people decided to run and now live in tents away from the cities. Pleasant piazza is Important to you because it's where you grew up, your family knew about the underground and they knew that you were a part of it. They get their resources off of you still and are awaiting the day that the society is brought down. The drive is about 5 minutes from the underground, so you decided to go before your big task.

Montague x reader!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu