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"How would you feel about working as my partner?"
You sat there, staring at him. Out of everything this was what you least expected to happen. Why does he want you to work for him, he could have chosen anybody else. You had no idea what to say back to his question. You didn't know if you should accept, or decline his offer. If you accepted, there may be benefits, you've basically already sold yourself out for working with the underground, so maybe you will get to stay here and have a free place to live, plus you wouldn't have to go to the underground personally because you already know mostly everything. But if you declined? Would you get killed on the spot?  You hated the thought of betraying your friends, and your boss. You've grown close with them over the year that you have been there, would it be horrible to switch up now? You could feel his eyes on you, waiting for your response. You were running out of time to think for your answer.

Montagues POV:
I was alarmed as soon as she got here, and I sent my guard to fetch her and bring her to her room. I don't know what it is with this girl, but I just need to see her again. I feel like I haven't been the same since our encounter yesterday. I've gathered that she is a part of the underground, and I have no idea how much Information she has on us, and I should kill her for it, like everybody else, but I can't, it's like there i something blocking my way from doing so. I think back to yesterday, she had the softest voice, one I would want to hear for the rest of my life. Wait..what am I thinking? She is a part of the underground! You can't fall in love with someone you literally met yesterday, and she is your enemy! God..what are you thinking i really feeling love for this girl? I need to see her, and I need to get her on my side.

Your POV:
You looked up, right into his eyes. "I think...I think I'll accept your offer, sir" you said. You could see his eyes light up, and a tint of blush appear on his face. He wasn't expecting you to say yes. "That's wonderful to hear, my dear, now that you're here, let me give you a personalized tour of my hotel!" He said, taking your hand. He led you out of the room, taking you to the elevator. You both walked into the elevator, and you watched as he excused his guard from coming with. It was just you and him in the elevator. "As you may know, after our little tour we are going to have to get information from you, but it won't be much today, as you've just gotten here I would love for you to enjoy your stay" he said. You nodded in response. You have heard so many bad things about this man, but really he acted like a sweetheart, he was so gentle with his words and he hadn't gotten upset with you once! Not even about the fact that you work for the underground. You wondered if he was like this with all of his guests, or if you were just being treated differently because he knows about the underground. The elevator beeped, telling you that you were on floor one. You looked down to see that your hand was still in fact in his. You hadn't even realized, you didn't know if you should take it away or leave it. You didn't think that he had any idea, so you just left it, it looked like he was lost in thought. "Here we are, let me show you around!" He said, gently dragging you out of the elevator. He never let go of your hand. He took you around the hotel, explaining where everything was. He showed you the arcade, the lounge room, the area where the restrooms were, and he showed you the bar. He told you about the rooms upstairs, and how the second floor was basically middle tier, and the top floor was the highest tier. He explained that you, him, and his best guards were the only ones who had rooms on the top floor. You wondered why you were the only guest on the top floor, but you decided to ask later, after you got to know him. After he told you about the rooms, he took you back to the bar. "Would you like a drink?" He asked. You weren't really in the mood for a drink, but you felt rude to decline, so you accepted. He pulled out a seat for you, and sat next to you. "Ahh, Mr. Montague! Great to see you, what can I get you?" The bartender asked, not seeing you next to him. "It's very nice to see you as-well, will, would you please ring us up 2 shots of (your choice)?" Montague asked. The bartender looked at you, and smiled. "And who might you be? I haven't seen you around the hotel" he asked. You didn't think that he would even acknowledge you sitting there. "Uhh, my names y/n, I just arrived here this morning." You said. He looked at you, and smiled. "Y/n, huh. That's a pretty name you've got there, my names Will, it's great to meet you" he said, putting his hand out for you to shake. You accepted, and shook his hand, not noticing Montague staring at your hands, angrily. He shook it off after you let your hand go out of his grasp. You got your drinks, socialized a little, and then left. You realized that you forgot to pay so you took out your wallet, but felt a hand on your shoulder. "Don't worry about it, it's already been taken care of" Montague said, smiling at you. You nodded, and followed as he walked into the elevator. As the elevator door closed, you heard Montague pull something out of his pocket. You were surprised to see him on his phone, you really didn't think he would have one at all, but there were a lot of things about this man that you didn't know, which is why you got sent here for the mission that's now failed. You had left your phone in your bag in the room upstairs, so you had nothing to do but wait while in the elevator. You didn't want to be nosey, but you could see in the corner of your eye that he was on..Instagram? After the talk in his office you would have to look this up. He didn't look like the type to use social media. The elevator beeped and he quickly put his phone away, apologizing for the wait. He led you back to his office, opened the door, and had you sit back down into the chair. Instead of  going to his desk, he sat down on a couch next to your chair. "So, tell me what you do for the underground." He said. You had nothing ti hide anymore because you were already caught, so you decided to tell him what you knew. "I'm a spy, as you could probably tell. When you found me at Pleasant piazza, I was actually leaving for my mission, yesterday marked my 1 year working for them, so they gave me a special mission. I decided to visit my parents first, but I had them evacuated because I didn't know what would happen to them if they couldn't pay, so I paid for them. I never finished my task" you said. You saw that he was interested in what you were saying, and he was about to ask you questions. "So, what was your mission then?" He asked. "Well, I've been able to complete everyone else and get information on them, but my last mission was you, I thought by from our little encounter that I would be able to do it easily, but we both saw how that turned out" you said, embarrassed. You looked at his face, and he looked shocked. He didn't expect your mission to be about him. "Why haven't you killed me yet?" You asked, throwing him off. "Why would I kill you? You've been nothing but helpful to me, and you have shown that you would be a great member of the society." He said. You were shocked by his answer, but nodded in response. "By the way, I am expecting you to stay here for your work, I will take you shopping for clothes and items in the morning if you would be interested in doing so" he said. "Yes, that would be great, thank you" you said. He nodded. "You should probably get some rest, tomorrow will be important, so you need to get good sleep, let me take you to your room" he said. Your room was literally outside of his, but you didn't mind. He grabbed a key, led you outside, and unlocked your room door. It made you feel slightly uneasy that he also had a key to your room, but you brushed it off. He opened the door, and walked in. "This is our second best room in the hotel, I do hope you enjoy it, I even prepared it myself, if you couldn't tell." He said. You couldn't, but the more you looked around, the more you could see his style from his room. You didn't mind. "Thank you, sir, I do appreciate it" you said. "Y/n! You do not have to call me sir! Please, I feel as if we will have a good relationship, so please call me Montague." He said. You nodded. "Thank you, Montague" you said. He was so kind to you, and you didn't know why. He told you that he was making his way to bed, and he wished you a goodnight sleep. As he walked to the door, he left flowers on your table. When the door was shut you walked up to them, and saw a note attached to them. It read: Bonne nuit, ma Chérie, vous serez un excellent partenaire pour moi-Montague (good night, my dear, you will be a great partner to me)
You should have known that he would do something like this. It was very sweet of him to do so, and for once you felt appreciated. You could read decent in French because you studied it in school, so you had no problems with it. You went to the bathroom to change, brush your teeth, and you went to bed. It was a good day today, but you hoped that the underground didn't find out about your actions.

Authors note:
Thank you for the reads!! I'm trying to update every day, and so far it's been pretty successful. Also, Montague is French, but speaks fine English as you can tell, in the beginning I didn't add translations, but when I'm done with the book I'll go back and do so, every time continuing I will add translations so you are aware of what he is saying! Ciao!

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