The journey to Grand Glacier

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Authors note:
Hoping that this will get better, I'll keep writing to improve my skills! I hope everyone enjoys this book so far!

Arriving at Pleasant piazza, you park your jeep on the side of the road. You get out of the car and make your way to the center of the small town, hoping to find the people you know. You continue walking to the center, but you see nobody. thought. Usually every time you come there are kids running around and parents socializing. You walk up to a house and knock on the door.
Knock...knock...knock.........nobody answered.
"hello?" You said. You started to turn and walk to the next house, when you got grabbed and pulled into a house. You turned to see that it was your mom that pulled you in. "Mom, what's going on here? Why is nobody outside?" You asked. "Shhh, they will be back any minute!" Your mom said, putting her finger to your mouth. "The society sent their guards again, but today they are taking people that don't have enough to pay for the taxes." She said. You were worried, they have never done this before. What is making them take people and where are they going? "Mom, you and dad need to get out of here now! It's not safe and I know you don't have enough to give them" you told her. You turned her around and made her go get your dad, but started hearing the faint sounds of helicopters. The society guards are almost here, you needed to hurry and get them out of here before it was too late. "Mom! You have to hurry. They're here!" You yelled after her.  You went over to your dad, hugged him, and gave him enough money to at least get settled in a small apartment out of this town. "Thank you, honey, but you need to go, you don't need to be caught up in this mess" your dad said. You could hear the helicopters landing outside, and the stomping of the guards coming to the entrance of the house.
You had 2 choices, you could either open the door and have your parents risk getting taken, or you could run away with them, get in your car and get the hell out of here. You decided that even though you will be seen leaving, you had to get your family out of there. "Open up! You know it's time to pay up" you heard the guard say. You had your parents ready to go, when all of a sudden you heard the sound of the door being lock picked. "Either open up, or we'll come inside, and I don't think you want that to happen" the guard said. You told your parents to go out of the window, and you would take care of the guards. They argued but then realized that they had no time, and they went. You walked over to the door, and hesitantly opened it. " I figured you would choose to obey the rules, Jess" the guard said. Your mothers name was Jess, it was weird that this guard would know that. The guard stared at you. "And who are you? You aren't Jessica" he said. "No sir, im her daughter, her and my father went on vacation just yesterday and they asked me to watch over their home" you lied. He stared at you, squinting his eyes this time, you didn't think he bought your lie. "Alright then, the tax amount is $500, if you don't have it, we will have to take you with us" he said. You took out your wallet, and paid him the cash. He was surprised, nobody in this town has ever been able to pay the correct amount. He stood there, not taking the cash, he was literally staring into space. "Hello? Are you going to take it or not?" You snapped at him,not having time for this. He then snapped out of his daze, grabbed the money, and left. You closed the door, and went over to the window to see that your parents successfully made it to the car, and left. You would have to find another way of transportation, but as long as they were safe that's all that mattered to you. You had to wait until the guards left to escape, you were the only one there now, nobody else was able to pay for their homes, so it would be suspicious if you were the only one with money staying there. You were packing up some food and items to go until you heard a knock at the door.
Knock...knock..."Open up!"
You ran to the door, confused on why they were still here. You opened the door to see a taller man, he had black hair with streaks of white in it, and he wore a medallion. "Soirée, madame" he said. You got a good look at him, and he was quite attractive, he was about 23-24, and he was French? "Uhh, hello? I just gave my dues to the guard" you said. "I'm not here for the dues madame, im here to ask you how you were able to get that money" he said. You didn't even know who this man was and he was all up in your business about where you get your money? "Sir, that's personal, plus I've been saving up so I could pay for this" you said, annoyed. You honestly had no idea who he was or why he was here. "I didn't ask for attitude, I asked you a question and I expect you to answer truthfully" he said. "Im not going to be interrogated at my home! I don't even know you!" You yelled at him, attempting to slam the door in his face. "You seriously don't know who I am? Ça aloes..."  "Montague" he said, holding out his hand for you to shake. You couldn't close the door because he stuck his foot in the way. Wait, this is montague? I guess I should have done some research on what this guy actually looked like before I went investigating him. I can't believe this is happening, I could literally kidnap him right now a stop the whole society, but he has no idea that I'm working for the underground. My thoughts are going wild right now. "Y/n.." you said, taking his hand. "I'm very sorry sir, I know who you are, I've never really gotten a good look at your face before, so I apologize for my recent statements towards you" you lied. He smiled at your response. "Ah! Great to hear, now would you answer my question before we have to take you in? It would be really unfortunate if we had to do that now, wouldn't it Mon Cher" he said staring at you. Although he was the most stunning man you've ever seen, you felt uncomfortable knowing that the wrong word could expose you and the underground. "I used to work as a housemaid for Peter, but he got upset with me after I asked him what type of coffee he wanted, so he fired me. After that I've been saving my money for events like this" you lied, once again. You literally had a lame lie, but you hoped he would buy it. "Interesting.." he said. "It looks like we're done here then, thank you for your honestly miss y/n, it was great meeting you" he said, bending down to kiss your hand goodbye. "Au revoir ma chérie!" He yelled running to the helicopter, humping in and flying away. What the hell just happened, I thought he was some scary dude that kills people on the looked down in your hands, to see a card with information on it. It read:
(Address to Grand Glacier)
Come apply or stay at Grand Glacier! The best hotel on earth!
Who the hell would show up to give me an info card to his thought. It might be useful to get there and actually get information on this guy. You were about to put it away until you saw writing on the back. It read:
"When you arrive, come to the top floor, furthest room to the back, and meet me in my office, I'll be waiting for you, miss y/n..
How did he even have time to write this? He was standing right in front of me this whole time. Maybe this is a sign that I'll be able to work there, get information, or kill him, who knows, and return back to Jonesy! I have to go! I'll leave as soon as the sun sets.

Is Montague actually bad?

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