Grand glacier

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Authors note:
This chapter won't be as cringe as the last one, promise! I had to add some fillers on montagues real personality before we get into the actual drama of the story...enjoy!

The drive to the hotel was 9 hours total, you had to walk back to the underground to get a new vehicle because your parents took yours. You arrive at the secret tunnel, and meet your friend hope. "Y/n? I thought you left already?" Hope said. "I did, but I had to evacuate my parents before the guards for the taxes came, I didn't want them to get taken. They also took my car so I'll have to use the backup Jeep" you said. She nodded, getting the keys for you. You decided to not tell Hera out the encounter with Montague, she is a loudmouth and the whole world would hear about it. "Here you are, be safe! Also, you forgot your cell phone, please call if anything happens and I'll come get you!" She said. I had no idea that I forgot my phone, good thing she got it. "Thank you hope, you've been a huge help already, and don't worry I'll call as soon as I'm done." You said, getting into the car. You waved to hope, started the car, and left. You had snacks and items in your car to keep you satisfied until you got there, so you didn't need to stop unless you needed gas.
Time skip because why not
You were about 8 hours in, you had a little left to drive, you were getting tired and your gas was about to run out. You pulled into a gas station and got out to refuel. You noticed other people were there, they looked somewhat sketchy but normal at the same time. You decided to ignore them and get your gas. You went inside after fueling up and paid, it was about $60. You also bought more snacks for the road. While you were walking out, you ran face first into somebody, knocking you and them to the ground. "Ah! I'm so sorry! Let me help you up" a gentleman said. You looked up, he was a smaller guy, maybe in his 30's. He seemed kind. "It's no problem sir, I wasn't looking" you said, accepting his hand. He helped you pick up your stuff, and he helped you back to your car. You turned to say thank you but he vanished. That was thought. You got back onto the road, you had 20 minutes left on your drive to Grand Glacier.
20 mins later
You arrived, you pulled into the parking lot and parked. You looked up to the building, it was huge! You got out, feeling the cold, regretting not wearing a jacket, got your belongings and made your way inside.

Montagues POV:

Today was the day that I had to collect the taxes, it's my least favorite part of leading the society. We decided on taking turns. My task today was to visit Pleasant piazza, even though we already wiped them out. Everyone was basically sent to smaller towns or camps, whatever they could afford. I'm never a fan of killing, yes I've had to before, but I'd prefer giving people a home and not taking it. Because I am the leader, I have to live up to my expectations, Valeria, another member, is very controlling over the tasks, and would probably have me killed if I didn't do them. I sent my guards to fetch a helicopter so we can go to pleasant piazza. When we arrived, there was nobody outside, surprise, surprise. We've basically wiped out this entire place. I sent the guards down to the last couple doors that needed to pay, and I stayed hidden in the helicopter in case anyone was armed or attempting to hurt us. I will admit, it does feel nice ruling over this world, people come and go and live under your rules, I have nothing really to worry about, all the power is basically mine and nobody has been able to stop me or the society. Our only problem is the underground, a stupid group of people who are trying to get information on us and trying to take us down. We've had to take care of many members, but many have gotten away. They have gotten information on everybody, excluding me. I'm not stupid, I know when people are trying to spy on me, it's basically what I did for a living before creating the society.
I see people being taken away in handcuffs. This is required, if you cannot pay then you must be taken to another town or camp, it's a sad feeling but at the same time they are still getting a home, so who cares? I count the guards and notice that one is missing. Where is he? I'm pretty sure they only have one job, get the money and report back to me. I stand up and look out of the helicopter, and see him talking to someone in their home. It actually seems like he is standing there, staring at them. Is he stupid? If he makes me go down there then he will get fired on spot. I look closer and there is a young woman, probably my age, snapping her fingers at him to get his attention. He then grabs what I assume is money and runs back to the copter. "Here you are, sir. Sorry for the wait.." he said. " What the hell took so long? And how the fuck was she able to pay and nobody else could" I asked him. He looked confused at my question, so I ignored him. "I'll be back, keep an eye out for anything" I told them. I got out of the helicopter, brushed off my clothes, fixed my medallion, and my hair. I can't walk up to somebody and not look intimidating, you forget who I am sometimes. I walk up to the door, and hear shuffling. What is going on in there? I knocked, not getting any response right away. "Open up!" I yelled. Soon after, a young woman opened the door. I was shocked. This was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life. Play it cool Montague, play it cool, i told myself. We started talking, but she kept getting an attitude after I would ask her where she got her money, and it was really pissing me off..I came here to ask you a question and you're acting like this? Does she not know who she is talking to.
Well, apparently not, this is the first time anyone has ever not known who I am. She does end up telling where she got her money from, she used to work for Peter? I can tell that this is a lie, he never hires anyone, and I've been there many times to know that. I need this girl to come to Grand Glacier so I can get the truth out of her, she could have information about the underground. I put out my hand and tell her my name, and she tells me hers. Her name is y/n! Such a beautiful name..I took out a business card and started writing a message on the back of it, my my hands were behind my back so she couldn't see, it's supposed to be a cool talent of mine I guess, I tell her to visit my office. She'll be so confused. She keeps staring at me, she probably wonders if I'm going to kill her or something, but really I'm just trying to get this information outta her. I try using some French to make it seem like I'm interested in her, and I kind of am, I need to know what she's hiding from me. I place the card in her hand and run back to my helicopter and fly away, I can only imagine the look on her face reading that card. I may be a bad guy buy my skills will never fail to impress anybody. I tell my men to get the hotel prepared for a special guest, because she should be coming tonight. We'll be waiting, I'll wait for you y/n..

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