The rebellion part 2

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You kept hearing it over and over again. You knew they were texting you. You had already gotten set up for the plan, Montague had your phone now you assumed he was reading every text they sent through. You felt a tap on your shoulder, telling you that they were in sight. You were nervous. What if it didn't work? You had to be hopeful. You knew Montague would protect everyone. You peeked over the corner of where you were, you saw Montague sitting in a diamond chair, looking as handsome as ever. You heard the troops at the front, you could slightly hear them.
Montague's guards were hiding too, waiting for him to signal for them to come out. You could hear one member of the underground ask "how did he know we would be here?". Montague laughed. "Do you think I'm stupid? Of course when we capture someone, the first thing you do is take their most important items, especially ones that lead us to you" he said. The other members of the society walked down there, standing beside Montague. "We aren't afraid of you, you know you can't win, Jonsey. How many times do I have to fight you, and see you lose? Just give up!" Montague said. "Give us the girl, and we will go." Jonsey said. "Is this all you came for? A pathetic girl that sold you all out to keep her own life? You can have her, she's useless to me now" he said, ushering his guards to bring you to him. You let them drag you, as you looked halfway dead. You looked at Montague, and he winked, knowing your plan would be a success. He grabbed you from the guard, bringing you forward. You could hear gasps from the underground members. You looked up, seeing Hope in the distance, you felt horrible about your plan, but as long as you won, that's all that matters. "How could you do this to her! She was innocent, you're a monster, Montague.." Jonsey said. Montague whispered sorry in your ear, before he threw you in front of them. Hope ran up to you, grabbed you, and took you to the back of the troops.
"Oh y/n, how could he do this to you." She said, grabbing a med kit and food. "Hope, you don't have to help me, I'm ok" you said. You wanted her to leave so you could do your part in the plan, without having to hurt her. "I'm not leaving, not again. It should have been me, not you y/n" she said, disappointed. Hope was one of your good friends, but you couldn't just not fight for Montague, you would try not to have her involved. "Hope, listen to me, you need to get out of here, I don't want you to get hurt, I've learned his weakness, and I know how to stop him" you lied. "Y/n.." you stared at her, making her get your point. "Okay, I'll go, but if you need my help, call me as soon as possible, be safe.." she said, getting up and running. You stood up, looking to the front of the crowd. Nobody noticed you because they were focused on the society. You looked down, you ended up putting the diamond Montague gave you on a necklace, it brought you happiness. You looked at it, and smiled. You knew you could beat them, but how? You've done most of the plan, Montague told you that your part was good, but he had something that would end it all, did he tell you? Nope. He said you'll know when it's here. You looked through the gaps of the troops, to see Montague, pissed off, staring at them. There was yelling, and all of a sudden, guns were drawn, and shooting went off. You heard screaming, both ways. You were scared, for the first time, you really were. You looked up, you didn't see Montague. You saw society members fighting off the troops. You were about to run into the crowd until you felt some grab your shoulders, both of them. You turned around, seeing Jonsey, and Montague on both sides of you. They mustn't had noticed each other. At the same time, they said "y/n! let's get out of here!". They then looked at each other, Jonsey grabbed you, throwing you behind him. "Don't you ever touch her again, you bastard. You have no right doing anything to her anymore, this stops now!" He said, pulling out his gun. Montague smirked, looking past him, at you. "It's not very nice of you to protect something that isn't yours, jones" Montague said. Jonsey was confused. He then hit Montague in the side of the face with the barrel of his gun, grabbing you, and running. You saw Montague with a gash on his face, and he was pissed. "Y/n, we have to get you out of here, the closest base is beneath the gas station, go! I'll take care of him" he said. You didn't know what to say. They were fighting over you, who would you go with? You stopped, you looked him in the eyes, and said "I can't, I'm sorry."
You looked past him seeing Montague walk up. He had cuts on his face, which started to bruise, but he looked attractive anyways. "Oh how the tables have turned! Looks like your princess y/n doesn't want to go with you, what will you do now?" Montague said, sarcastically. Jonsey charged at Montague, punching him. "So you wanna play this game, huh? You'd think you'd quit after I've literally destroyed you every time" Montague said. He grabbed Jonsey by the neck, and lifted him up. "You stand NO chance against me, you're weak, give up." Montague said, dropping him back to the ground. He was fairly taller than him, so he had the advantage here. You then saw the troops turn around, and aim their weapons at Montague. They must have thought that he killed him, even though he was still breathing. One fired, missing badly. They had to wait for orders from Jonsey to fire. Montague walked to your side, and said: "y/n, what happens next is going to be confusing, and you'll get to see what I promised you. But, I may not return from the world of diamonds, if I don't, take my body, hide it in my room. Nobody will find me or use the power of the diamond medallion for wrong, again" he said. He kissed your forehead. He walked to the middle of the battlefield. "If you're really up to this challenge, I suggest you be careful, you don't have any idea what you're going against" Montague yelled. You couldn't see any of the other society members, it seemed that they had gotten taken to the med room by the guards, they literally stood no chance. This was yours and Montague's fight now, and you would be by his side no matter what. You turned, seeing Montague use his hands and open the medallion all the way. He started to glow, you could see his eyes turn blue, and you could see his clothes start to shape into diamonds. A bright light blinded you. Your Montague was submerged into a diamond form. You could still tell it was him, but it was Montague times 1000. He was powerful, you saw him rise into the air, transforming into the full diamond form. You still saw beauty in this form. You saw a small shine from your necklace, you then started to feel funny. You looked at your hands, they were shaded with the same diamond form as Montague. It made sense, you carried something made from the medallion, so you carried little power from it. You saw that you could form any object from a diamond. You saw Jonsey stand up, looking at you. "Y/n, how could you? You sided with We took you in, we provided for you, and you betray us? After everything!" He was pissed. He pointed his gun at you.

He pulled the trigger.

The whole world slowed down for a minute. You were seeing in slow motion. The bullet flying towards you, heading towards your chest. It was over, you got what you deserved. You felt something hit you, but it didn't hurt you? You opened your eyes, time regaining its speed. Montague stood before you, a sword made of diamonds in his hand, covered in blood. Jonsey lay dead on the ground. You saw the bullet shattered on the ground. Montague somehow did that, but he saved your life. You felt sorrow for your friend, but all you cared about in the moment was Montague. You thanked him, and hugged him. He hugged you back, but then putting you behind him, because the troops were now charging at you, both. He took your hand, combining the diamond power, you felt yourself glowing. A shell of diamond appeared around you. You then heard a voice. "Y/n, together we can defeat them. I've shared this power with you, this is the only way that we can communicate for now" Montague said. "Do you trust me?" He asked. "Of course, I love you, we'll get through this together." You said.
You had no choice but to kill the troops, it was for your own good, and Montague's as well. You could hear bullets hit the diamond shell, the bounced off. Montague had taken out many of the troops, leaving a small section left. You crafted a bomb with your diamonds. You lit it, throwing it at them. Everyone fell. Montague picked you up, flying you to the top of Grand Glacier. You felt the diamond shell disappear. You were exhausted, the power took a lot of your energy. It had been worth it, you won, there was no more shooting, no more underground. Yes, you were sad that you had to kill your people, especially Jonsey, but hope was alive. She'll understand eventually, it was for her own good. Montague hugged you. You noticed his diamond layer wasn't coming off. You knew he had control over it, but he told you before that it may not come off. He then fell to the ground. He took your hand, leading it to a hole in the diamond layer. Blood seeping out of it, they must have somehow broken through, getting a gunshot wound into him. You knew he didn't have long, you had to get this diamond layer off of him. You tried pulling the medallion off of him, but it wouldn't budge. He stopped you. He looked at you, you couldn't see his eyes, only diamonds. He then started signing words. "Y/n, I don't have long, run the hotel for me, carry on what I've started. Do what I asked, hide me, nobody will get the use for this anymore. I love you y/n, I'll see you soon" he signed. He pulled you down and hugged you. You then felt his arms fall to the side.! He was gone. He was supposed to be protected! The damn medallion was supposed to protect him, I was supposed to protect him. He gave his life fighting for me, for me to escape the underground, and for us to live together, happily. This shouldn't be how it is. This can't be the ending. You shouted, crying at his chest. This wasn't supposed to be the ending. He was supposed to live, to carry on his legacy, to run this hotel. He was supposed to win. You sat by him, for hours. The rooftop was empty, only you had Montague were there. The sun lowered as the moon arose. You weren't crying anymore, you were too weak. You had to get him to the room. You got up, using the last of your strength to get to the elevator. A separate elevator led to the roof, and the third floor, probably designed by Montague. It took you a while, but you ended up getting him to the bed. You looked at his diamond figure, it was unfair. You lost everything. He was everything to you, you fell in love with this man, he treated you so well. He loved you. He gave his life fighting for you, and how could you ever repay him for that. You cried once more, tears falling onto his chest. You were there for hours, eventually falling asleep from exhaustion.
The wound on the side of his torso had healed. The tears which fell from your eyes we're burning through the diamond. You were asleep. The diamond shell disappeared from him, leaving Montague confused. He wasn't dead?
It was said that tears of true love could break the strongest diamond.

You woke, feeling a hand brushing through your hair. You sat up, and saw your beloved Montague, cured and sitting in the bed in front of you. You cried, immediately hugging him. "Montague!"
He was alive!

You didn't really think I'd kill Montague off, did you? longest chapter I've wrote, and I'm literally in love with it. I'm planning on doing Montague's POV of it all. Don't worry! We're getting closer to the end, but not quite yet! More chapters to come!

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