At the hotel

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Your POV:

You take your bags out of the car, and walk into the hotel. As you walked inside, you saw how big the hotel really was. It had 3 stories, the first floor having a bar, a lounge area, an arcade, and the check in area. The second and third floor was mostly rooms and restrooms, there were a few elevators too. You were amazed, you've never been to anything like this before. You looked around and saw people socializing, or drinking. You felt very underdressed being there, so you checked in and made your way upstairs to not feel awkward. You had room 307, which was on the 3rd floor, in the very back. You walked over to the elevator, went inside, and pressed the button. You watched as the door slid closed, but before it could close all the way, a foot appeared. A hotel guard walked in, standing beside you. "Good evening, ms. Y/n" the guard said. "Hello? How do you know my name." you asked, confused. "My boss ordered me to escort you to your room, and then to his after you get settled in" he said. You were confused on the fact that you needed an escort to your room, you were pretty sure it wouldn't be that hard finding a room on the top floor. "Thank you, sir, that's very kind of you" you said. You got no answer back, only the ding of the elevator. "Follow" he said. He started leaving the elevator and you followed behind, taking a glance at his outfit. It seemed like all of the guards mostly wore the same thing, a white snowsuit. You've noticed that some of the guards have pins, symbolizing what rank they are. Gold, as Montague was wearing, symbolizes the highest tier, blue, which symbolizes the middle tier, is what the best guards wear. The lowest tier is white, which is what the newer guards or staff members have. The guests of the building get ID cards, and room cards. The guard escorting you must be one of Montague's personal thought. As you followed, you saw that you were now at rooms 300-308, you saw that the rooms got increasingly bigger as you went on, the biggest being down the hall. You arrived at your door, unlocked it, and went inside. As you set your stuff down, you looked at your room, and admired it. You should have known that he would have given you the second biggest and nicest rooms of the hotel. You started to unpack your stuff, and putting it in the drawers of the dresser. You mostly had clothes, the only actual items you had were your phone, charger, snacks, and money.
After unpacking, you decided to go out of your room to explore the hotel, forgetting that the guard was waiting on you. You opened the door and walked right into him. You started to apologize but stopped when he pointed to the room next to yours. "He is waiting for you, go in whenever you're ready" he said, and walked away. You were still questioning why out of all the people Montague wanted to see you, individually. You hesitated before knocking. You weren't sure if this was the correct decision to be making, or if you should have just stayed home. You knew you had a mission to do, but was it really worth all of this trouble? You were leaning on the door, lost in thought, until the door opened and you fell into the person that opened it. Your eyes were shut, and you were waiting until you hit the floor, but you didn't? You looked up, right into the eyes of Montague. "What a surprise! I didn't expect to see you this early, but are you alright ms y/n?" He asked. You were so embarrassed, out of all the people you could have fallen into, why did it have to be him. Instead of responding, you pulled yourself off of the floor, and dusted yourself off. "I'm alright.." you said, sighing. You looked at his face, taking in his features. He made eye contact with you, and smiled. You could feel your face getting red. "Why don't you come in, and have a cup of coffee with me?" He said. Odd, why is this guy wanting to have coffee with me? Well who cares, he broke that awkward thing we just had going on there so I'm thought. He gestured for you to go in, so you did. He followed after, closing the door. You saw that it was just you and him, the guard did not follow, which was surprising. He pulled out a chair for you, and went to his desk to sit down. You sat down in the soft chair, taking a look around his room. He had four main parts of his room, the main bedroom, which was huge. It had a master bed, with two nightstands beside it, and lining the walls were pictures, some of the hotel, and some of him and his family. You thought that was cute. He had may bookshelves filled with different types of books, you didn't think that somebody like him would read. He had books with bookmarks on his desk, and some scattered on his bed. The next section was the office, which you were in now, it had his office desk with millions of documents on it, and more books. It had the comfy chairs he sat you in, and on the wall were few windows, and above his desk was a society symbol. Next was a kitchen. Are we even surprised this man has a whole kitchen in his mini house? He had simple furniture, nothing too expensive. You admired the styling of the cabinets, brown lined with gold at the bottom. He had a decent sense of style, nothing as good as yours though. He had a marble table and bar area. He had different bottles of wine and alcohol in another cabinet. He looked like the type to drink. Lastly, was the bathroom. Nothing too special about it, it's just a bathroom. But it was huge, a walk in shower, no curtains or anything. It had some fancy looking sink with many cabinets, nothing you could ever have. You were amazed with this room, it was like a dream. You were lost in thought by his room, until he finally spoke. "Are you done admiring me and my room yet?" He said. You hadn't even realized that you were lost for this long! So thought. "Sorry sir, I've just never seen anything like this room. It's very fascinating how the different styles and furniture all line together." You said. "Well, im glad you're enjoying it, but let's not waste anymore time and get to why you're really here" he said, handing you a cup of coffee. You accepted the coffee, saying thanks. "Ms y/ concerns me that you could have been lying about your sources of making the money, is this true?" He asked, looking at you. You knew your excuse was lame. He knew that you were part of the underground, what would you say? If you told him the truth, he might let you go, if you don't, you could risk getting killed. You thought about your parents, maybe if you told him the truth then he would let them live in peace. You then thought about Jonesy and Hope. You've only been working there for about a year, would it be horrible to go behind their backs? Is it worth getting killed over? You felt like the only smart decision was to tell him the truth because there is no possible way to escape. You were about to open your mouth and spill until he asked..
"Are you a part of the underground!"
You didn't know what to say. Why was it so hard to tell him the truth! You looked at his hands to see that he was spinning a handgun in circles. It was either lie and die, or tell the truth, and still possibly die.
You looked at him, and nodded. "I figured Mon Cher" he said. "You know, you're the worst at lying. I could tell when I first met you that you were" he said. "Are you going to kill me?" You asked. "Kill you? Why would I kill you when you are the most useful thing we have right now?" He said. You looked up. He thought you were useful? Well I guess because i know literally everything about the underground. Would you be a villain if you switched teams in the middle of the mission? Well it pretty much got busted, and if you were able to go back to the underground's secret tunnels they would kill you on the spot, you really had no other choice. "How would you feel about working as my partner?" He asked, out of the blue.

Authors note:
Will update everyday, maybe twice depending on what's going on. Enjoy the book!

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