Business trip!!

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It had been months since the incident, Valeria was thrown into jail by Montague. You had taken her place in the society. It was quite fun being a leader to people. You were able to help the community, and help the people who needed it the most. You and Montague were better than ever, you had been dating for a while now, and you were happy. You had moments where you disagreed on things, and fought, but you also had the good moments, and spicy moments. You truly loved him. But one thing has been haunting you lately, it was the fact that you had abandoned your friends from the underground. Jonesy was dead, you feel guilt about it, but Montague has no choice. You haven't heard from hope at all, but you assumed she was planning some revenge shit against you, but you didn't care. As long as you had Montague, you would be safe.
Montague was out of town for a week, some business thing, so you were left to take care of the hotel. It was swamped, people from all around came to meet you, after hearing what happened months ago. It's always been swamped since, but you didn't mind.

You wake up to your alarm blaring. It reads 6 AM. You smash the button, turning off the awful sound, and getting up. Today was the first day that you would run it by yourself, and you were feeling anxious. What if something went wrong? You didn't want to mess up. You walked into your bathroom, and tidied up. You brushed your hair, teeth, and applied light makeup. You and Montague decided to share a room, so you moved your little belongings there. You grabbed a nice shirt, and some dress pants. You got dressed, and made some breakfast. He had a small kitchen in his room, so you could eat in peace without going down to the hotels buffet. After you were done, you placed your dishes in the sink, grabbed the keys to the hotel, and left the room. You were met with guards, assuming Montague had them on patrol because he was gone. They escorted you to the elevator, and onto the elevator. You noticed that one guard was practically standing on top of you, but you paid little attention to it. You arrived at the main floor, walking to the lobby. You decided to greet the guests, but then ran into a news reporter? They turned, surprisingly. "Ms. Y/n! We didn't expect to see you! May we ask some questions for our interview?" A blonde woman asked. "Of course, go ahead" you said, fixing your hair. The guards got closer to you, standing on the sides. You assumed a lot of people were watching, including Montague, so you decided to be very professional. "How is it now that you're apart of the society?" She asked. You took a second to think. "Well, it's definitely a change in my life, I never thought I would be in this position, but it has done me good. I've met amazing people, and we have done great things for this community, and I hope to keep it that way" you said, smiling. She was about to ask another question, until the lights went out. It was pitch black, and you could hear everyone scream. You heard running behind you, and then a cloth was placed on your mouth. You couldn't breath, and you were beginning to feel dizzy. You were being dragged into another room. You kicked at the air, but never hitting anyone. You passed out.

Montague's POV:
Y/n was taking over the hotel while I'm away at a business trip. I would be here for a week, I could already tell it would be absolute hell. The trip up to Snooty Stepps was already hell, I can't even step onto a train without crazy females screaming and running up to me. Like I know I'm absolutely stunning and perfect but I don't need you in my face, plus I have y/n. I'm on a train passing by Lavish Lair, I had to get on a train that goes around literally everywhere before my destination. A few girls approached me, I acted like I didn't notice, but one of the, grabbed my arm, setting me off. "Can I help you?". The girls looked shocked, not expecting a reaction like that, then they ran off. Stupid girls, can't they just leave me and y/n alone?
I got a notification about a news reporter going to the hotel today. I figured they would catch y/n, so I clicked on it. I clicked while y/n was responding to a question. She looked absolutely stunning, like always. I could see two of my guards standing beside her. I'm glad they're actually doing their jobs. I noticed that a guard standing closer to y/n had a shiny object in his hand. It reflected off of the camera. Then, the lights went out. Panic rose inside of me. I could hear screaming, then I heard what almost shattered my heart, y/n screaming. I have to get back, now! The lights turned back on, but she was nowhere to be found. The reporter, along with other people were yelling for her, but couldn't find her. I went to the controls on my phone, and made a message over the loudspeakers. "Guests, this is Montague, the hotel will be under lockdown until I get back, and authorities are on their way. If anyone spots y/n, report it immediately! Please, for mine and her sake, look for her." I said. I could feel tears run down my face. Of course, when I leave something happens. I get off of the train at the next train station, and buy a rental car. I need to get to y/n, as soon as possible. Fury rages through my body, and if you were to look at me you would see literal red in my eyes. I've never been this angry. I will kill whoever hurts her.

I will find you, y/n.

Montague x reader!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz