Valerias mistake

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Your POV(at the restaurant)

Montague met me at a fancy restaurant in town. You had brought the red wine with you, as a surprise, even though he was the one that sent it. You wore a red dress, it was tighter, showing off your features better. You figured he would like that, and maybe you'd even get a treat for it later...
"Y/n! You look very lovely tonight" Montague said, bringing you to your reserved seats. He chose a booth seat outside on a patio, so you would get a view of a waterfall. "Thank you, this place is beautiful, why did you bring me here?" You asked. "My mother and I would come here everyday on my birthday when I was younger, it keeps special memories, and they have great food" he said, smiling. How cute, he came here with his mom. I still have yet to meet his family! I wonder if they're sweethearts like him. "Aww, that's so cute. When can I meet your family?" You asked, pouring him a glass of wine, along with yourself. Montague looked somewhat hurt at the fact that you asked about his family. "Well, I would love for you to meet them my dear, but I haven't seen them in years, they haven't kept any contact with me since I've became the leader of the society" he said, looking down. You were about to get up to give him a hug, and reassure him it would be okay, until you saw a flash of red pass by your table. You looked over and saw..Valeria? What the hell was she doing here? This was YOUR date! Why does she literally ruin everything!
Montague hadn't noticed her until she pulled a chair up to your table and sat in the middle of you two.
"Hi Montague! It's been a while since I've seen you, how've you been?" She said, completely butting into your conversation. She then turned her head and looked you up and down, and scoffed. What the's like she wants to die. "Oh uh, hi? I'm a little busy now, Valeria, could we talk later?" Montague said. He's such a sweetheart. She looked upset. "No, we are talking now! Forget about this..thing at the table! You know who matters most here!" She said, getting closer to him. You were shocked, ain't no way she called you a THING. You decided not to say anything just yet, you wanted to see what she would do. "Valeria! I'm literally here with y/n, and she is not a thing. I know you're still upset about us not working out but I'm not, and you need to move on. Please get out of our sites!" He said picking up his glass of wine. She looked sad, she knew he didn't want her, but maybe if her plan worked, he would be hers. "Okay, I'll leave, but please, one glass of wine with me before I go?" She said. Montague looked at you, you nodded, hoping she would leave. Because you ordered a different flavor of wine, you decided to not drink the wine you brought. "Fine, but only one, then you'll go?" He said. Why is he so kind? He's been through so much, and he still has a soft soul. Valeria nodded, pouring a glass of wine. You noticed it wasn't the red wine he was drinking, it was one she brought herself. Was she planning this? They both drank their wine, Montague literally chugging his so she would leave, and Valeria taking a small sip of hers. Valeria sat there like she was waiting for some kind of reaction. Montague looked sick, he turned to you and asked-"y/n..what is in that wine?" You looked at the bottle, it seemed fine, exactly like red wine. You were about to say nothing until you saw a small tear in the labeling. You peeled it off, and almost screamed at the sight. It was a love potion? What the hell!
"Montague! It's a love potion, get out of here!" You yelled at him. You could hear Valeria laughing. "So sorry, y/n, there's nothing you can do now, this spell will last till the end of time, you can kiss your lovely relationship goodbye!" You got up and smacked the shit out of her. You were so pissed, you should have seen this coming. Montague was at the door, but then fell to the ground, passing out instantly. "What did you do you psycho bitch! You cant poison someone just so they'll love you! That's not how it works!" You yelled. You ran over to Montague, and Valeria did the same. You saw his eyes open, and he stared at you and Valeria. "....what happened?" He asked. "Montague! She poisoned you! She wanted you to fall in love with her! You can't fall for it, please.." you begged. He looked you up and down, and asked the most heartbreaking thing. "Umm..who are you?"
Your heart literally shattered in the moment. You wanted to kill Valeria. He was yours! The love of your life, how could she take him In seconds. He made eye contact with Valeria. "Valeria? What happened my dear?" He said, taking her hand. You were fuming. She then started explaining what happened, but was talking complete lies. You didnt know what to do, you couldn't let her take him! You rammed into Valeria, knocking her onto the floor, probably knocking her out as well. You grabbed Montague's hand, and dragged him out of the door. You dragged him into a shop, taking him to the back so Valeria wouldn't find you. You had a hand over his mouth so he couldn't yell. "Montague, I know this is strange, but you'll remember me soon. She used a potion to make you fall in love with her, I hope you can understand that at least" you said. He nodded. "I'll take my hand off, but if you dare scream, you won't like the consequences" you said. He nodded. You took your hand off of his mouth. You thought you were safe, until he yelled"Valeria! Help". You immediately put your lips to his. You saw a small glow come off of him. You could hear Valeria smashing things around. She got to your secret door. "Oh y/ up, give me what is mine and we won't have anymore problems" she said. She's kinda creepy to be honest. Why would anyone want her. She then slammed the door open. You could see literal fire coming off of her. She caught you in a weird position, your lips were still on Montague's. He pulled away, and stared into your eyes.
"Y/n? What happened? Why are we in a sketchy closet?

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