Who said girls like flowers?

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Atticus POV

This all had to do with a boy!?

I'm going to skin this boy! How dare he hurt our mate! She did nothing wrong!

I was so lost in my own thought that I didn't even notice that I was about to shift until I felt the tingles and warmth around my neck. It was my mate hugging me and petting my head. my wolf immediate snapped her into our grasp that I didn't realize I lost. Hell I didn't even notice that I stood up from where I was sitting with her on my lap.

"It okay Mate. Can you change back for me Atticus?" She whispered into my ear, It sent a wonderful soothing shudder through my body.

I shift back while still holding her and I gave her a small peck on the cheek.

"Okay since we are now all in control....... can you tell us Love on what this all have to do with the boy and flowers?" Ask Ceasar as he came up to our mate that I was holding.

She pat my shoulder and gave me a look that said put me down so I did.

"So the reason Jin is the way she is now, is because this all started four years ago when Jin met Dean Costa, the human boy she used to date before you three showed up." She said as she mved over to sit on the bed that was torn up.

"I thought his name was Mike?" Tituse ask looking at me confused. I shrug my shoulders, I had no idea what his name was so we both looked at Ceaser and he had the look of confusion as well.

"Hey, don't look at me I thought his name was Mark." Ceasar said as we all look back at Love for more answers.

"So what does "Dean" the human have to do with our mate besides her undying love for him that she keeps shouting at us about." Tituse ask with a glare. How dare he!

I hit him on the back of his head hard and he turn to snap and growl at me. I growled back to my brother and send him a threat through our link of what he will het if he glares at Love like that again.

"The thing is he didn't smell like a regular human when we met him at first. I tried to warn Jin to stay away from him but he had this thing that would attract her no matter how I tried to fight it. He would often say things that would influence Jin and since my human was feeling so alone she was desperate some form of attention." Love eyes were becoming glossy with tears and before the tears could leave her eye she wipe them with the sleeve of her shirt.

"Desperate for attention? Why would Jin be desperate for attention Love?" I ask her with a sad stricken voice. No Alpha child was ever desperate for attention. If anything people would beg for the attention of anyone who was that of the Alpha line. Unless she was under abused power of her parents or pack.

"Back when we were younger, I know Jin would never want you to know about this of her. Or that she would rather have told you this herself but she was going through what the pack calls the Omega punishment. But for our case it was just because our parents could. The pack was ordered to ignore us, but to make our life harder by not helping us at all or, giving us anonymous bullying. At one point we had to get a job that didn't pay so well to get things we needed. It was hard enough to find a job where it wasn't influence by the pack and that was how we met him. We where working at a very small book store." She whispered at the end. I could see all the sorrow in her face of how lonely they were.

What the fuck was wrong with her parents!? How could they do this to there daughter! My wolf was snarling in me to go hunting her parents for putting her through all of that just because they could. What the fuck! What the serious fuck!? I look to my brothers and they had the same look as well. The anger coming over the link was so strong that I could feel the strain of my muscles wanting to . We wrapped our selves around her for her comfort and our sanity. She is our anchor and we will become hers.

"We will never do that to you our Love. Infact you just might we wish that we would leave you alone from now on." I whispered in her ear and she curled more towards me.

"Thank you." She whispered as she gave me a short tight hug around my neck.

"Can you continue or do is it to painful Love?" I ask her and she gazed at us like she was scared this might be a dream.

"We are here for you Love. We will always be here for you." Ceaser whispered to our sweet girl.

"We met him when he bought a book about wolves. It was just a regular nature book of wolves and he was the first person to show us kindness in a very long time. He had a smell of silver and iron but Jin didn't care because he was so sweet. As time pass by he came more often to the book store and just hang out with Jin and talk about all the books about nature, I warned her to be careful about this boy but she just thought I was being dumb. That when he began to bring strange flowers that would make our nose tingle, I would growl at her to start avoiding him but she didn't listen to me. He would bring in flowers that would be a little different every time and the connection between us felt like we were fading. He would often change his name and make feel as if she was terrible with names. She started to believe him after the fifth time he change his name. Dean became a big influence and when he replace all her cleaning products the connection was almost severed until she became the age to fully shift. But even the connection was still week it was like I was calling for her through static." She raised a hand as if she was reaching for something above us.

My poor Love.

But if she what she is saying is true tat means that this human was no human. He was a Hunter and it seemed like they found a new weapon to use against us.

"Love can you tell us more about the flower Love? We really need to know more about those flowers." I ask her with a since of urgency. If we can get our hand on either the research or even better the flowers them self then we can figure out how to contour act what ever these flowers do. I can't believe those basterd use our sweet girl as a guine pig for their sick experiment! We are going to have to run a toxines screan through our mate to see what damage was done to her. Maybe there is a drug that we can already used to help her. We will have to isolate any wolves that have com in contact with the flowers or what ever they make from those flowers.

"They were the same flowers that were around his house and that Jin was crying in." She looked at me with concern.

The only thing that came to mind was, All shit!

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